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Picrorhiza, botanically known as picrorhiza kurroa, is a drug of choice in
ayurveda for cirrhosis of the liver among adults. The root of the herb is given in
powdered form. A tablespoon of the powder, mixed with an equal quantity of
honey, should be administered thrice daily. In case of accompanying
constipation, the dose should be increased to double and should be given with a
cup of warm water, three to four times a day. It stimulates the liver to produce
more bile, the excretion of which relieves congestion of the liver and the tissues.
Cirrhosis of the Liver treatment using Vegetable Juices
The juice of carrots, in combination with spinach juice, has been found beneficial
in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Spinach juice-200 ml, should be mixed
with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of combined juices.
Alternatively, 300 ml of carrot juice, combined with 100 ml each of cucumber and
beet juices can be used effectively.


Colitis treatment using Banana
One or two ripe bananas taken every day are one of the most effective home
remedies for ulcerative colitis. Being bland, smooth, easily-digestible and slightly
laxative, they relieve the acute symptoms and promote the healing process.
Colitis treatment using Buttermilk
A glass of buttermilk taken daily is another effective remedy for colitis. It is the
residual liquid left over after the fat has been removed from curd by churning
Colitis treatment using Tender Coconut
Drinking the water of one tender coconut daily has been found valuable in colitis.
It is soothing to the soft mucosa of the colon.
Colitis treatment using Apples

Steamed apples also aid the healing of ulcerative lesions because of their ample
concentration of iron and phosphorus.
Colitis treatment using Drumstick

Drumsticks are also useful in colitis. A teaspoon of fresh leaf juice, mixed with an
equal quantity of honey and a glass of tender coconut water, is given two or three
times daily as a herbal medicine for the treatment of this disease.
Colitis treatment using Rice
Rice has a very low fibre content, and is, therefore, extremely soothing in colitis.
A thick gruel of rice mixed with a glass of buttermilk and a ripe banana, given
twice a day, forms a very nutritious, well-balanced diet in this disease.
Colitis treatment using Wheat-grass
The juice of wheat-grass (a grass which grows after sowing wheat grains in the
earth) used as an enema, helps detoxify the walls of the colon. The general
procedure is to first give an enema with lukewarm water. After waiting for twenty
minutes, 90-120 ml of wheat-grass juice enema is given. This should be retained
for fifteen minutes. This enema is very helpful in disorders associated with colitis.
Wheat-grass can be grown at home in earthen pots if it is not available through

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