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cup of water from the jug. The day she starts this treatment, 3 Kg more of these
fruits, mixed with a handful of salt, should be kept in another jug filled with water,
so that when the contents of the first jug are finished, the contents of the other
will be ready for use. This treatment should be continued for two weeks.
Hysteria treatment using Honey

Honey is regarded as another effective remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to take
one tablespoon of honey daily
Hysteria treatment using Bottle Gourd
Bottle gourd is useful as an external application in hysteria. Macerated fresh pulp
of this vegetable should be applied over the head of the patient in the treatment
of this disease.
Hysteria treatment using Lettuce
Lettuce is considered valuable in this disease. A cup of fresh juice of lettuce,
mixed with a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice, should be given every
day in the morning for a month, as a medicine in the treatment of hysteria.
Hysteria treatment using Rauwolfia
The herb rauwolfia is very useful for hysteria. One gram of the powdered root
should be administered with one cup of milk in the morning as well as in the
evening. Treatment should be continued till a complete cure has been obtained.
Hysteria treatment using Asafoetida

Asafoetida has also proved beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Smelling
this gum prevents hysterical attacks. If taken orally, the daily dosage should be
from 0.5 to 1.0 gm. An emulsion made up of 2 gm of the gum with 120 ml of
water is a valuable enema in hysteria, when the patient resists taking the gum

Indigestion Causes

Following are the causes of indigestion Fast eating without chewing properly,
Heavy meal, Consuming excess alcohol, Smoking, Pregnancy, Peptic ulcer,
Stress and anxiety Anti-inflammatory drugs, Changes in lifestyle, Diseases that
affect digestive organs

Remedies for acid indigestion

To prevent acid indigestion put some lemon juice or cider vinegar in a glass of
water and drink it before the meal.

Other Remedies

Every 3 to 4 hours drink water with 2 to 3 drops of mint essence in it. Massage
your stomach with a mixture of 2 to 3 drops of garlic oil and half a cup of Soya oil.
Ginger tea after meal promotes digestion. Herbal tea prepared using blackberry,
raspberry, mint and camomile is effective for indigestion. Take one glass of

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