Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Figure 5-14

4.Type your message.

5.Beforeyou click the Sendbutton, be sure you have hon-
ored the privacy of the person who sent you the e-mail. If
you’re sending it to someone whom the original sender
doesn’t know, remove the original sender’s name and
e-mail alias. Note that for most e-mail programs, when
you forward a message, any original attachments are also
forwarded. If this isn’t what you want, remove the attach-
ment before sending by clicking the Removebutton.

When you forward a message, the original message (or
string of messages) is retained. However, you can edit
the message if you like. For example, if you’re forward-
ing a message that includes several e-mails and replies,
you can delete earlier message text if you don’t want
that information included. Be respectful of others’ pri-
vacy by removing the e-mail aliases in the message
that came to you.

Click forward


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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