Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1

➟ Check to see if a potential date has a good reputa-
tion among other daters on the service.

➟ Be realistic.Read the profiles of others with skepti-
cism. As you correspond or talk on the phone, ask
questions, seek direct answers, and note any inconsis-
tencies. Look for warning signs such as a display of
anger, an attempt to control you, disrespectful com-
ments, or any physically threatening or otherwise
unwelcome behavior. Rule of thumb:If they’re weird
online, they’ll be weirder in person.

➟ Trust your instincts when interacting with a poten-
tial date.If something doesn’t feel right, cut off con-
tact. If a person becomes abusive, report it and block
that person (using your account settings) from con-
tacting you again.

➟ When you decide to meet, create a safe environ-
ment.Keep first dates short, and agree to meet in a
public place during a busy time of day. Use your own
transportation. Make sure somebody knows where
you’re going. If your date doesn’t look like his or her
photo, walk away and report that person to the dating

Formal dating sites aren’t the only places that people
meet online, but they typically have the best safe-
guards in place. If you want to interact with people
you meet on other sites, you should provide your own
safeguards. Create a separate e-mail account (so you
can remain anonymous and abandon the e-mail
address if needed). Many dating sites screen partici-
pants and provide strong reporting measures that are
missing on other types of sites, so be particularly care-
ful. Take your time getting to know someone first
before connecting.


Chapter 9: Dating Safely Online .......................................................

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