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(nextflipdebug5) #1

in. I'd do the same thing again, I closed deal after deal
and the only thing I had done was change the film
that I was running in my biocomputer. I used to run a
negative feedback loop and all I got was more of the
same. I changed to positive feedback loop and put
myself in 'success mode' and got more of the same. I
stopped stewing and I started doing!

You will either be in the' success mode' or 'failure
mode' all depending on the film you play inside your

Now the marvellous thing about the human
biocomputer is that it cannot tell the difference
between a real experience and vividly imagined
experience. So, even if you haven't had any successes,
it doesn't matter, all you have to do is visualize that
you have had some successes, over and over again
and impregnate the electrochemicals in the bio-
computer to create for yourself a positive program on
which to run.

I have helped numerous insurance salespersons
and door to door salespeople, simply by getting them
to visualize that their last six calls were 'yeses' not
'noes.' Most salespeople don't do that at all. They
keep playing a film over and over again of all the
rejections that they've had and when they knock on
the next door they actually elicit a negative response
from their prospect. Once the sales person is used to
playing a success program over and over again in
their biocomputers they find they actually elicit
business from their prospects.

Successful people are, invariably successful all the
time. They run a positive tape loop in their
biocomputers continually and therefore elicit the
desired response~ from customers. People who are!
failures run negative films in their biocomputers and :
they too, get more of the same.

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