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(nextflipdebug5) #1

until you have brought back the potency of the right

You can expand the exercise by trying to visualize
how the dinner table is set when you get home or
trying to visualize which way the auto is parked in
the drive-way. All these exercises will payoff
handsomely in the long run because the biocomputer
really can take you to the moon, once you have it
firing on all eight cylinders.

The biocomputer fires on different computers at
different times. I once read that it fires alternatively in
ninety minute cycles, I really don't know if that's
right. I would think the properly tuned biocomputer
would be able to fire from left to right at just the
appropriate time for it to function really efficiently.
What I do know is, from my own experience and from
talking to many biocomputer students, that it
definitely does fire on different computers at different
times. Obviously if you want to visualize you should
I make sure that your biocomputer is firing on the right
computer. You can work out relatively easily which
computer is firing and you do it fairly quickly. If you
are being very analytical and talking a lot internally, I
would suggest you are firing on your left computer.
However, if you are feeling creative then you are
firing on your right computer and this is when you
should start visualizing.

I think that one of the problems of the past has
been that the authors of so many self-help books have
grossly underestimated the. difficulty that some
people actually have creating pictures In their
biocomputers. For all we know, the books may have
even been written by visuals, who have absolutely no
problem with visualizing themselves! I would like to
assure you that I haven't underestimated the difficulty
and frustration some people go though trying to

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