Modified Bitumen Membrane Roofing (SBS)
UIHC #20X-0XX 07550-5
A. Apply roofing in dry weather.
B. If the newly constructed roof or existing insulation becomes wet due to rainstorms, faulty
water cutoffs, or other reasons, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all wet materials,
dry the affected roof area, and reconstruct the roof in accordance with these specifications at
no cost to the Owner.
C. Coal tar base, oil base, or plastic roof cements are not to be used in direct contact with steam
or steam source.
D. All bonding, splicing and sealing surfaces must be free of dirt, moisture and any other
E. The roof surface shall be free of ponded water, ice, snow, or algae prior to installing the new
roof system.
F. Do not apply roofing unless correct asphalt application temperatures can be maintained to
obtain good embedment and adhesion. Follow manufacturer's and NRCA's guidelines for
bitumen application temperatures. Maintain proper Equiviscous Temperature (EVT) at point
of application.
G. Ensure roof deck is structurally sound to support construction traffic. Notify Owner or
Architect/Engineer immediately of any conditions that are not structurally sound.
A. Provide warranty and guarantee under provisions of Section 01780.
B. On new roofing systems provide to the Owner the membrane manufacturer's 20 year no-dollar
limit material and workmanship warranty the date of final acceptance by the Owner.
Warranties shall cover, but not be limited to, the following:
- Deterioration of the roofing membrane or flashing system resulting from ordinary
wear and tear by the elements. - Workmanship on the part of the approved roofing contractor in the application of the
High-Performance Roofing System. - Splits or breaks in the High-Performance Membrane not caused by structural
movement or failure or movement of any material underlying the roofing membrane
or base flashing. - Blisters, wrinkles, ridges, fishmouths or open laps in the High-Performance
Membrane. - Slippage of the High-Performance Membrane or base flashing.
November 1, 2016