
(Tina Sui) #1

648 Index

Bergson, Henri, 104, 435
Berio, Luciano, 393
Berkeley (California), 288, 292, 296,
304, 460
Berlin: Berg performances, 83, 84,
98; conferences, 349, 360, 375, 425;
demonstrations, 450–1, 451–2;
Festival, 183; jazz, 201; Kracauer
in, 43; lifestyle, 42; Opera,
182; Franz Oppenheimer, 73;
performance of TA’s music, 107;
student movement, 454–6, 459;
TA and Gretel Karplus in, 55, 56,
87, 153; TA’s stays in, 120, 129,
180, 198, 201; University, 368, 404,
415, 421
Berlin, Isaiah, 192
Berlin Academy of Art, 407, 473
Berlin Republican Fund, 457
Berliner Morgenpost, 106
Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, 120
bestiary, 59, 240, 300
Betriebsklima, 369
Beveridge, William, 187, 188
Das Bild, 459
Binz, 176
biography, xii, 224
Bismarck, Otto von, 67
Bizet, Georges, 409
Black Book, 90, 482
Black Forest, 208, 216, 420, 432
Blätter des Hessischen Landestheaters,
Bloch, Ernst, 129; eightieth birthday,
421; essays, 110; exile, 178;
and Gretel Karpus, 55; and
Kierkegaard, 125; and Kracauer,
226; New York, 243, 255; relations
with TA, 83, 94, 301–2, 305, 420–1,
432, 481; Spirit of Utopia, 36–7, 77;
Spuren, 420; TA’s letters to, 59;
Thomas Münzer, 48
Bloch, Jan Robert, 59
Blöcker, Günter, 404
Blücher, Heinrich, 269
Blue Angel, 346
blues, 201
Bockenheim, 8–12
Bocognano, 6, 9
Bodenhausen, Dora von, 355

Boehlich, Walter, 409
Böhm, Franz, 384
Boldrini family, 6
Böll, Heinrich, 416, plate 30
Bollnow, Otto Friedrich, 432
Bonaparte, Louis, 7
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 6
Bonaparte family, 10
Bonifacio, 58
Bonn, 376, 460, 461
Borchardt, Marie-Luise, 469
Borchardt, Rudolf, 356, 468–9
Borkenau, Franz, 134
Bornemann, Ernest, 371
Boulez, Pierre, 392, 393
bourgeoisie: TA’s background, 20,
24, 486; TA’s lifestyle, 95, 240;
and aristocracy, 400; bourgeois
enlightenment, 284; bourgeois
sociologism, 158; complacency,
85; decline, 80, 81, 206; family,
25, 201; French bourgeois republic,
224; hell, 171; and Hitler, 182;
and Horkheimer, 134; marriage,
59; morality, 41, 63; music, 42,
51, 151–3, 394; philosophy, 204;
pre-war haute bourgeoisie, 173;
sadism, 218; self-understanding,
387; United States, 306–7; women,
Bowra, Maurice, 192
Bradley school, 190, 193
Brahms, Johannes, 17, 38, 142, 183,
Brandt, Willy, 417
Brecht, Bertolt, 55, 100, 115, 218,
267, 274, 299, 313, 358
Der Brenner, 87
Breton, André, 99
broadcasting, post-war, 325; see also
radio; television
brothels, 58–9
Bruckner, Anton, 88
Brüning, Heinrich, 173
Brunswick, 454
Brussels, 7, 10, 240, 448
Buber, Martin, 20, 44, 70
Büchner Prize, 403
Bührer, Berthold, 399
Burger, Jutta, 436
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