
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 653

Graeculus, 414, 483
Granach, Alexander, 300, 312
Grass, Günter, 440, 460, 461
Graz, 463
Grieg, Edvard, 28
Groningen University, 352
Gropius, Manon, 84
Gropius, Walter, 92
Grossmann, Henryk, 134, 151, 256
Group Experiment, 369, 380–2, 384
Grünberg, Carl, 70, 133, 134
Gruppe 47, 330, 409
Grzimek, Bernhard, 346
Gubler, Friedrich, 180
guilt, 381, 382, 384
Gumperz, Julian, 195
Gurland, A. R. L., 265
Gurland, Henny, 263
Guys, Constantin, 230

Haag, Karl-Heinz, 440
Habermas, Jürgen: TA’s obituary,
486–7; article on TA, 362;
Festchrift for TA, 426; Frankfurt
years, 375–7; opinions on TA’s
books, 344; politics, 414, 416–17;
and positivism, 327; relations with
Adorno, 453; reputation, 380;
Structural Transformation of the
Public Sphere, 377; and student
movement, 450–1, 457, 460, 464,
477; Student und Politik, 377;
TA’s letters to, 362; and TA’s
seminars, 366–7; and Weber, 422;
photograph, plate 29
Habilitation, 98, 100, 103–6, 107, 109,
119, 122
Hacker, Frederick, 337, 351, 368, 388
Hacker Foundation, 337, 348, 351, 375
Hagen, Volker von, 336, 373
Halle University, 71
Hallstein, Walter, 334–5
Hamburg, 188, 339, 341, 454
Hamsun, Knut, 231
Handelsblatt, 376
Hanover, 452–3
Harfner, Willy, 347
Hartmann, Nicolai, 183
Hartung, Hans, 347
Hartung, Rudolf, 355

Haselberg, Peter von, 17, 19, 20, 83,
139–40, 141, 143, 144, 147, 180,
185, 231, 420
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 227
Hauser, Arnold, 367–8
Haydn, Joseph, 28, 38, 253
Hegel, G. W. F., 183; aesthetic
theories, 471; and Kierkegaard,
125, 126, 127, 130; and Negative
Dialectics, 435–6, 438; negativity
of the negative, 287; philosophy
of history, 380; synthesis with
Marx, 36; TA’s critique, 145; TA’s
lectures, 407, 434; TA’s seminars,
331, 366, 367; TA’s study of, 44, 54,
120, 219
Heidegger, Martin, 342; 1935
lecture, 376; Being and Time,
431, 432; Heidegerrei, 326, 430–3;
historicity, 149; Holzwege, 431; and
Horkheimer, 75, 137; and Marcuse,
136; and Nazis, 227; and Negative
Dialectics, 435; phenomenology,
192; TA’s criticism of, 123, 125,
128, 184–5, 327, 360, 376, 420
Heidelberg, 44, 100, 155, 371, 421–3
Heidelberg University, 368, 377, 378,
Heilbrunn, Rudolf, 42
Heine, Heinrich, 7–8, 356
Heinsheimer, Hans, 108, 110, 121
Heißenbüttel, Helmut, 457, 458
Hellmer, Arthur, 100
Helms, Hans Günter, 407, 408, 470
Hempel, Carl Gustav, 232, 233
Henius, Carla, 392, 393, 475
Henkel, Gabriele, 459, 460
Henning, Elisabeth, 8–9, 10, 11, 12,
491, plate 4
Henning, Maria Barbara, 8
Henning, Nicolaus, 8
Henrich, Dieter, 440
Herbert Reicher Verlag, 236
Herkommer, Sebastian, 375
Herzberger, Else, 54–5, 95, 214, 330
Herzka, Emil, 121
Hesse, Hermann, 401
Hessel, Franz, 122, 214
Hessen, 388, 468
Hessen Radio, 376, 451, 480
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