
(Tina Sui) #1

654 Index

Hessen Television, 360
Heuss, Theodor, 328, 373, 388
Heym, Georg, 96, 115
Hielscher, Friedrich, 179
Hilbert, Egon, 400
Hilbrunn, Rolf, 39
Hildesheimer, Wolfgang, 404, 405
Hindemith, Paul, 41, 45, 46, 108
Hindenburg, Paul von, 173, 182
Hinnenberg-Lefèbre, Margot, 107
Hirsch, Martin, 450
Hirsch, Rudolf, 355
historical materialism, 154
historicity, 149
history, 37, 149–50, 269, 281, 362–3,
hit songs, 51, 253
Hitler, Adolf: accession to power,
129, 178, 344; anti-Semitism, 181–2;
and Austria, 241; foreign policy,
191–2; Munich agreement, 257;
popular support for, 174, 177;
propaganda, 292; and Stalingrad,
308; suicide, 308, 309; and TA’s
exile, 244; TA’s opinion of, 179,
Hoch, Dr Joseph, 38
Hoch Conservatory, 38, 45, 48, 97, 201
Hochhuth, Rolf, 358
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 42
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 281
Hofstatter, Peter, 384
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 115, 356, 361–2,
Hölderlin Society, 360
Höllerer, Walther, 356
Hollywood society, 312
Hölscher, Uvo, 360
Holthusen, Hans Egon, 331, 404
Holz, Detlev, 219
Homer: Odyssey, 279, 280, 283–4
Honegger, Arthur, 115
Hoppe, Marianne, 100
Horkheimer, Maidon, 76, 267, 300,
Horkheimer, Max: and anti-Semitism,
264–6; Authority and the Family,
25; and Beckett, 357; Beginnings
of the Bourgeois Philosophy of
History, 134; and Benjamin, 73,

122, 215, 230; and Bloch, 301;
California, move to, 267–72;
Californian period, 264, 273; career,
74–9; Chicago professorship,
372–3, 415; collaboration with TA,
260, 267, 272, 274–88, 300–1, 366,
367; and critical theory, 423; Dawn
and Decline, 196, 206, 304; director
of Institute of Social Research,
132, 134–6, 138, 143, 144, 145, 151,
154, 160; essays, 281, 299; exile,
174, 175, 194–8; Festchrift, 379,
388; Festchrift for Adorno, 410;
and former Nazis, 339; and
Frankfurt University, 70; and
Gehlen, 378; gestalt psychology,
72, 74–9; and Golo Mann, 378–9;
Group Experiment, 381; and
Habermas, 376–7, 416, 419;
Institute of Social Research in
New York, 256–67; jazz, 201,
202; and König, 339; and Kracauer,
222–5; and Lazarsfeld, 252;
letters to TA, 175, 194–8, 255–6;
mammoth, 59, 351, plate 18;
Marxism, 175, 334; and Nazism,
174–5, 177–8; and Negative
Dialectics, 440; opinions of TA,
139, 235; parents’ emigration, 262;
philosophy, 155–9; and politics,
414–17, 450; and positivism, 232,
233, 255; post-war reinstatement,
335–6; pro-Americanism, 451;
publications, 413; publishing
decisions, 203–4; rector of
Frankfurt University, 337, 341,
352, 367, 368–9, 371, 373, 375;
relations with TA, 83, 100, 106,
107, 109, 124, 236, 238, 288, 304,
335; reputation, 380; retirement,
326, 369, 422; return to Germany,
329–30; seventieth birthday,
413; sixtieth birthday, 369; and
Sohn-Rethel, 220, 221, 222; and
student movement, 453, 454, 477;
Studies in Prejudice, 294, 372, 373,
413; TA’s death, 480, 485, 486; and
TA’s dissertation on Kierkegaard,
128; and TA’s emigration to US,
234–5, 240; TA’s letters to, 59, 157,
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