The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

(vip2019) #1

the Ram Lila alternates between con-
temporary and archaic text.


(“inner discipline”) In the ashtanga
yogafirst codified by the philosopher
Patanjali, a collective name for the last
three stages in yoga practice, namely
dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. These
stages are concerned with focusing and
disciplining the mind, and are the most
subtle and internalized elements in
yogic practice.


In Hindu mythology, one of four sages
born of the god Brahma, who are
paradigms of asceticism; the other
three are Sanandana, Sanatana,
and Sanatkumara. When Brahma
emanates these four sages, he com-
mands them to begin the work of cre-
ation, but they are so detached from
worldly concerns that they refuse to
do so. They are celibate their entire
lives, study the Vedasfrom childhood,
and always travel together.


(“Sanakaand the others”) In Hindu
mythology, a collective name for four
sages born of Brahmawho are para-
digms of asceticism; the four sages
are Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana,
and Sanatkumara. When Brahma
emanates them, he commands them
to begin the work of creation, but they
are so detached from worldly con-
cerns that they refuse to do so. They
are celibate their entire lives, study
the Vedasfrom childhood, and always
travel together.

Sanaka Sampraday

One of the four branches (sampraday)
of the Nagaclass of the Bairagi ascetics.
Bairagi ascetics are devotees (bhakta) of
the god Vishnu. The Nagas are fighting
ascetics hired by the other Bairagis to
protect them. The Naga class is orga-

nized in military fashion into different
anisor “armies.” Until the beginning of
the nineteenth century their primary
occupation was as mercenary soldiers,
although they also had substantial trad-
ing interests; both of these have largely
disappeared in contemporary times.
The Sanaka Sampraday traces its spiri-
tual lineage from the Nimbarkisect,
founded by Nimbarka. Members of this
sect worship Radhaand Krishnaas a
divine couple, with both deitiesholding
equal status.


In Hindu mythology, one of four sages
born of the god Brahmawho are par-
adigms of asceticism; the other three
are Sanaka, Sanatana, and Sana-
tkumara. When Brahma emanates
these four sages, he commands them
to begin the work of creation, but they
are so detached from worldly con-
cerns that they refuse to do so. They
are celibate their entire lives, study
the Vedasfrom childhood, and always
travel together.


In Hindu mythology, one of four sages
born of the god Brahmawho are para-
digms of asceticism; the other three
ascetics are Sanaka, Sanandana, and
Sanatkumara. When Brahma emanates
these four sages, he commands them
to begin the work of creation, but they
are so detached from worldly con-
cerns that they refuse to do so. They
are celibate their entire lives, study
the Vedasfrom childhood, and always
travel together.

Sanatana (“eternal”) Dharma

In the dharma literature, the ultimate
and eternal moral order of the universe.
It is the eternal ideal pattern revealed in
the Vedas(the oldest and most authori-
tative Hindu religious texts). This pat-
tern must be upheld to maintain the sta-
bility of society. All aspects of religious
duty (dharma) aim ultimately toward


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