Food: A Cultural Culinary History
Fasting is another food practice that is fi rst set down in Leviticus, and it’s one that has enormous importance to Judaism, ...
Lecture 4: Ancient Judea—From Eden to Kosher Laws Passover Seder Passover, or Pesach, is the most ritualized meal in the Jewish ...
seven minutes, when they should be light, fl uffy, and cooked through. Next, return all of your quenelles to the cooled poaching ...
Lecture 5: Classical Greece—Wine, Olive Oil, and Trade Classical Greece—Wine, Olive Oil, and Trade ............................. ...
Trade makes some private citizens very rich—something we haven’t really encountered elsewhere. Vibrant Greek culture is also ...
Lecture 5: Classical Greece—Wine, Olive Oil, and Trade season: bring in the wine grapes, fatten the lambs, and knead the bread d ...
Plato has a certain attitude toward food that infl uences Western thought even in present times. Plato thought that things of ...
Lecture 5: Classical Greece—Wine, Olive Oil, and Trade texture. His cooking is light and elegant, presumably intended to counter ...
crabs and shrimp, and sea anemone. Few important cities are very far from the water. Greeks also invented a fi sh sauce, which w ...
Lecture 5: Classical Greece—Wine, Olive Oil, and Trade about foods and how to prepare them. The following is a reconstructed rec ...
The Alexandrian Exchange and the Four Humors............................ Lecture 6 I n Hellenistic civilization, there were many ...
Lecture 6: The Alexandrian Exchange and the Four Humors also interact and infl uence each other. If the trend toward globalism—c ...
Hellenistic civilization, compared with classical Greece, was much more luxurious, extravagant, and even opulent. Ancient wri ...
Lecture 6: The Alexandrian Exchange and the Four Humors dietary regimens begins with the Hippocratic writers in the 4th and 5 th ...
produced in excess. This meant that individuals could be classifi ed as sanguine (in which case blood dominates), phlegmatic, ch ...
Lecture 6: The Alexandrian Exchange and the Four Humors lazy and slothful, cholerics are prone to violent outbursts of anger, an ...
detailed that it is possible to reconstruct a healthy meal using the system of humoral physiology, or balancing the hot, cold, m ...
Lecture 7: Ancient India—Sacred Cows and Ayurveda Ancient India—Sacred Cows and Ayurveda ..................................... L ...
This suggests that all of these languages and people descended from a common stock—distinct from the Semitic peoples, Ugariti ...
Lecture 7: Ancient India—Sacred Cows and Ayurveda class, should logically be strict vegetarians. In fact, they still sacrifi ced ...
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