Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Keep your knees together.

  2. Balance your pelvis in the neutral position.

  3. Slightly pull your lower abdomen inwards and
    upwards while you lift your chest.

  4. Rest your hands on your thighs so that your
    shoulders are relaxed; lift and broaden your
    upper chest.

  5. Maintaining the position of your chin, slightly lift
    the back of your head away from the neck.

  6. Breathe naturally.

Being in the posture: refined work

  1. Press the back of your toes into the floor;
    slightly lift your lower shin bones.

  2. Let your upper thighs and groins move slightly

  3. Feeling your sitting bones on the floor, adjust the
    pelvis in a neutral position.

  4. Lifting yourself from the pelvic floor and the
    lower abdomen, feel the upwards movement
    through your spine.

  5. Lift the center of your chest; this is also
    the movement of the diaphragm while

  6. Maintaining the neutral lumbopelvic position
    move your upper thoracic vertebrae inwards
    to lift your upper sternum and move it slightly

  7. Adjust the position of your head so that the
    throat and neck are relaxed.

  8. Feel the lifting of your upper ribs while
    lengthening the back of your head slightly away
    from the neck.

Finishing the posture
Stay in the posture for 5–10 breaths or longer. To
release, lean forwards to place your palms on the
floor for four-point kneeling.
Stretch your right leg backwards, then your left
leg, holding each for a few breaths.
Alternatively you can practice Adho Mukha
Śvānāsana to finish Vīrāsana.

Suggestions for modifications using
• Support the buttocks with a brick, a folded
blanket, or both if you need more height.
• Put a folded towel or blanket at the backs of
your knees between the thighs and calves
(Figure 7.62).
• Put a rolled towel underneath the ankle
joints (Figure 7.61). Adjust the height as

Figure 7.61
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