SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Pillar 3 : Equipment Reliability

  1. The number of known failure patterns as determined by the Nowlan
    and Heap study? ($100 worth)
    Answer: ____

  2. The two categories of equipment failure patterns? ($200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. FRACAS is an acronym for this. ($300 worth)
    Answer: ____

  4. What is a function? ($ 400 worth)

  5. What is a failure Mode? ($ 500 worth)

Pillar 4 : Organization Leadership

  1. What is ISO 55001? ($100 worth)

  2. What is considered best practice for training hours per employee?
    ($200 worth)
    Answer: ____
    18. What are the 4 stages of team development? ($300 worth)
    Answer: ____
    19. How many steps are in Kotter’s Change model? ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____
    20. What is culture? ($ 500 worth)

Pillar 5: Work Management

  1. The standard unit of measure is expressed in this. ($100 worth)
    Answer: ____

  2. This is the minimum amount of backlog that should be kept at all
    times. ($200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. A collection of job plans is called? ($300 worth)
    Answer: ____

  4. Quantitative tasks are always superior to these. ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____

  5. What is considered in work order priority? ($ 500 worth)
    Answer: ____

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