Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1


  2. Stewart JJP (2007) J Mol Model 13:1173


  4. Stewart JJp (2004) J Phys Chem Ref Data 33:713

  5. From “Accuracy”, in MOPAC2009 manual:

  6. Holder AJ, Evleth EM (1994) In: Smith DA (ed) Modelling the hydrogen bond. American
    Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Chapter 7

  7. Levine IN (2000) Quantum chemistry, 5th edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ;
    Chapters 16 and 17, and references therein

  8. Hehre WJ (1995) Practical strategies for electronic structure calculations. Wavefunction,
    Inc, Irvine, CA

  9. Stewart JJP (1997) J Mol Struct (Theochem) 410:195

  10. MOZYME is a program in the suite of semiempirical programs MOPAC programs; refer-
    ence [58]

  11. Stewart JJP (1996) Int J Quantum Chem 58:133

  12. Thiel W (1998) In: Irikura KK, Frurip DJ (eds) Computational thermochemistry. American
    Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Chapter 8

  13. Bond D (2007) J Org Chem 72:5555

  14. Pedley JB (1994) Thermochemical data and structures of organic compounds. Thermody-
    namics Research Center, College Station, TX

  15. (a) CO 2 /N 2 copolymers: Bylykbashi J, Lewars E (1999) J Mol Struct (Theochem) 469:77; (b)
    Oxirenes: Lewars E (2000) Can J Chem 78:297–306
    96.H 2 C=CHOH reactionThe only quantitative information on the barrier for this reaction
    seems to be: Saito S (1976) Chem Phys Lett, 42:399, halflife in the gas phase in a Pyrex
    flask at room temperature ca. 30 minutes. From this one calculates (section, Eq
    (5.202)) a free energy of activation of 93 kJ mol"^1. Since isomerization may be catalyzed by
    the walls of the flask, the purely concerted reaction may have a much higher barrier. This
    paper also shows by microwave spectroscopy that ethenol has the O-H bondsynto the C=C.
    The most reliable measurement of the ethenol/ethanal equilibrium constant, by flash photol-
    ysis, is 5.89- 10 "^7 in water at room temperature (Chiang Y, Hojatti M, Keeffe JR, Kresge
    AK, Schepp NP, Wirz J (1987) J Am Chem Soc 109:4000). This gives a free energy of
    equilibrium of 36 kJ mol"^1 (ethanal 36 kJ mol"^1 below ethenol). The accurate G3MP2
    method [section] places the gas phase free energy of ethanal 43 kJ mol"^1 below that
    of ethenol.
    HNC reactionThe barrier for rearrangement of HNC to HCN has apparently never been
    actually measured. The equilibrium constant in the gas phase at room temperature was
    calculated (Maki AG, Sams RL (1981) J Chem Phys 75:4178) at 3.7 x 10"^8 , from actual
    measurements at higher 9 temperatures; this gives a free energy of equilibrium of 42 kJ
    mol"^1 (HCN 42 kJ mol"^1 below HNC). The G3MP2 method places the gas phase free energy
    of HCN 59 kJ mol"^1 below that of HNC.
    CH 3 NC reactionThe reported experimental activation energy is 161 kJ mol"^1 (Wang D,
    Qian X, Peng J (1996) Chem Phys Lett 258:149; Bowman JM, Gazy B, Bentley JA, Lee TJ,
    Dateo CE (1993) J Chem Phys 99:308; Rabinovitch BS, Gilderson PW (1965) J Am Chem
    Soc 87:158; Schneider FW, Rabinovitch BS (1962) J Am Chem Soc 84:4215). The energy
    difference between CH 3 NC and CH 3 CN has apparently never been actually measured. The
    G3MP2 method places the gas phase free energy of CH 3 CN 99 kJ mol"^1 below that of
    CH 3 NC.
    Cyclopropylidene reactionNeither the barrier nor the equilibrium constant for the cyclopro-
    pylidene/allene reaction have been measured. The only direct experimental information of
    these species come from the failure to observe cyclopropylidene at 77 K (Chapman OL
    (1974) Pure and Applied Chemistry 40:511). This and other experiments (references in
    Bettinger HF, Schleyer PvR, Schreiner PR, Schaefer HF (1997) J Org Chem 62:9267 and
    in Bettinger HF, Schreiner PR, Schleyer PvR, Schaefer HF (1996) J Phys Chem 100:16147)
    show that the carbene is much higher in energy than allene and rearranges very rapidly to the

References 441

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