employee handbook
An employee may receive offers of work from other studios, individuals, or may
wish to work on his or her own project. The company makes no attempt to exert
control over employees during nonworking hours. However, an employee who uses
his or her company affiliation, company equipment or facilities for outside personal
gain does so at an obvious loss to the company. Such a person cannot be consid-
ered loyal or working for the best interests of his or her employer. Outside assign-
ments of this nature are discouraged and may be cause for termination.
Studio Image.
Representing the Company.
When you are on assignment, you are a representative of the company. You are ex-
pected to look and to conduct yourself in a professional manner. The dress code
must be followed when on assignment. Upon completion of the assignment, be sure
to clean up after yourself. Smoking is not permitted in the presence of a customer,
on company premises, or on the site of a shooting location. Drinking alcoholic bev-
erages is not permitted during working hours. Any violations will result in immedi-
ate termination.
Our clients’ first impression of the studio is of the utmost importance. It is impera-
tive that all sales rooms, bathrooms, and the lobby are clean and organized. Check
and straighten sales rooms at the end of each sale and at the end of each business
day. Employees should empty garbage as needed, and at the end of the day. Vac-
uum and clean the bathrooms daily before opening or after closing. Check bath-
rooms after each session for items left behind and for cleanliness. Clean if
Employees share the responsibility of housekeeping. All employees are to keep
their work areas clear of clutter or waste. It is everyone’s responsibility to pick up
litter and to prevent trash and dirt from accumulating. Report anything that needs
repair or replacement to your supervisor.
Dress Code.
Personal dress and grooming are important elements in the photography business.
Employees must make a good first impression.
The dress code varies from job to job and sometimes from day to day. Employ-
ees should report to work dressed neatly and appropriately including well groomed
hair and makeup for women Any person having regular contact with clients at the
front desk, in sales rooms, or in the camera room needs to adhere to the dress code
below. However, if an employee has been assigned an intense cleaning day or other
maintenance task, he or she may dress appropriately. Please bring a change of
clothes for after the task is completed.
Personal dress and
grooming are important
elements in the
photography business.