244 !!Chapter 14
be used only to implement the mechanics of composing to film, analyzing
the film, and the placement of music, calledspotting. Composing music is
a creative process. The following are quotes by Dale Johnson, a writer and
creative director:
‘‘Music is often remembered after the words are gone.’’
‘‘The right music can be attention getting, motivating, and memo-
‘‘Music is so powerful, it doesn’t need words.’’
‘‘Music helps tell you what to feel and how to feel it.’’
‘‘Music can move people emotionally even when the advertising is
‘‘Music reaches the emotional side of a person that no rational
argument can.’’
‘‘Think how scary music can make you feel; that shows how music
reaches deep inside you.’’
‘‘Music reaches into a person where nothing else can go.’’
Composing opportunities and the role of composers in commercials, cor-
porate videos, the Internet, video games, and infomercials are continually
expanding. As technology becomes less expensive, opportunities increase
because the volume of work increases.
Composing is rewriting—there was only one Mozart!