Note: Italic page numbers refer to illustrations.
accents, regional, 32
The Accidental Husband, 181
accordion, 37
account team, 19–20
acoustic instruments: guitar, 78, 101–2,
102 ; pianos, 98, 107–8, 108
Adams, Pepper, 139
administrative producers, 12–14
advertising: agencies, 1–20; develop-
ment of, 5–8; for films, 181; on
Internet, 14–15, 23, 211–13, 237; jin-
gles and, 145–64, 243; music in, 7–8;
objectives of, 2; producers in, 12–14;
strategies for, 3–5, 19–20; on televi-
sion, 15; in trade magazines, 217–18;
truth in, 83.See alsocommercials
Advertising Age,7–8, 218
AFL-CIO, 228
AFM.SeeAmerican Federation of
African flutes, 132
Afterworld, 212
AFTRA.SeeAmerican Federation of
Television and Radio Artists
airtime, 175
altos, 141, 141
ambient sounds, 80, 199
American Association of Advertising
Agencies (AAAA), 228
American Federation of Musicians
(AFM), 187–88, 208–9, 215, 234–35
American Federation of Television and
Radio Artists (AFTRA), 197–98, 215,
American Society of Composers,
Authors and Publishers (ASCAP),
194, 208, 235–37
amplifiers, 54, 100–101
analog consoles, 51
analog sounds, 98
analog tape, 43, 105
ancillary rights, 190
animatics, 5–6
announcers, 58, 74, 226, 230
antiphonal singing, 29
Aramaic music, 37
arbitration, 209
arco, 36, 114, 121, 195
arranging fees, 221
art directors, 11–15, 18–19, 22, 218
ASCAP.SeeAmerican Society of Com-
posers, Authors and Publishers
assignment buttons, 53
Association of National Advertisers
(ANA), 228
audience response, xii
audio effects, 18, 26, 45–50, 197
authenticity, stylistic, 27–29, 78–79
automation, 54, 86, 96
auxiliary sends, 42, 52–53
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 28
background music.Seeunderscoring
background singers, 154
balaphones, 39
band, 96
banned music, xi
Baroque flutes, 130
Baroque period, 28