Index !! 249
graphic equalizers, 47
Gregorian chants, 28–29, 45
Gregory the Great (pope), 29
Grieg, Edvard, 76
grooves (drum loops): compositional
problems and, 74–75; dance music
and, 26, 90; samplers and, 44–45;
underscoring and, 84
group faders, 52
Grout, Donald J., 86
guitar: acoustic, 78, 101–2, 102 ; com-
posing for, 36; electric, 96, 99–101;
open strings, 101
Hammond organs, 31, 99
Hancock, Herbie, 93
The Happening, 181
harmonics, 115–16
harmony, vii, 78, 88–89, 152
harps, 39–40, 119–20, 120
Harrison, George, 38
Harrison, Joel, 14–18, 21
Harry Potter, 190
Harvard Business Review,xi
Herskovitz, Marshall, 212
Hettena, Seth, 66
high-pass filters, 50
hi-hat cymbals, 52, 70, 104–5
hip-hop, 29, 33, 38, 58, 105
The Hire, 211
hiring musicians, 34, 36–37, 79, 111,
historical forms, 66–68
A History of Western Music(Grout), 86
hits, musical, 72, 74, 82, 165–66
Honkyoku, 132
hook lines, 68–69, 146, 149–50, 152
horn sections, 92–93.See alsoFrench
Houston, Cissy, 163–64
I Am Legend, 181
ideas, testing of, 7
indemnification, 207, 240
industrial dance, 80
infomercials, 171, 173, 175–79
instrument rentals, 223
Internet: advertising on, 14–15, 23, 211–
13, 237; copywriters and, 17; record
stores on, 91; as research tool, 27;
trailers and, 181, 193; underscoring
and, 211–12; videos, made for,
iPods, 234
Irish flutes, 130
iTunes, 91, 189
James Bond, 190
jazz, 29–32, 39, 86, 127, 193
Jenner, Bruce, 176
jingles: advertising and, 145–64, 243;
donuts and, 149, 152; form, musical,
and, 68; moods and, 90; radio and,
169, 220; slogans and, 3, 6–7; under-
scoring and, 149–51, 161; vocals and,
John, Elton, 147
Johnson, Dale, 244
Johnson, J. J., 125
Jones, James Earl, 197
Jumper, 181
Kalb, Lisa, 12–13
keyboards: composing for, 96–99,
107–8; MIDI and, 96–99
keys: major/minor, 68; musical, 37, 39–
40, 89; on piano, 107; signatures, 87,
kick drums: compressor/limiters and,
49; dance music and, 26, 69–70, 81; in
drum kit, 104
King, B. B., 29
kora, 39
Landon, H. C. Robbins, 38
Latin market, music for, 32–34, 78, 111–
13, 184
Latin percussion, 111–13
‘‘laundry lists,’’ 2
leakage, of tracks, 11
legal issues: ancillary rights, 190; com-
mercials and, 227; contractual agree-
ments, 202–9; licensing of music,
147–48, 183, 201, 205–6, 236–37; lyr-
ics and, 157–58; performing rights