Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1

248 !!Index

drum kit, 104–6; drum pads, 104;
drum patterns, 105 .See alsogrooves
(drum loops); kick drums; snare
duff, 37
Dunn, Mathis L., Jr., 229
dynamic markings, 88, 195

Eastwood, Clint, 185
echo: effects, 26, 44, 45, 69, 197; units,
50, 91
Eisner, Michael, 212
electric instruments: basses, 103, 103 ,
119; guitars, 96, 99–101; pianos, 52,
81, 97
Electronic Arts, 190, 191, 198
electronic music editing, 41–42
Elfman, Danny, 156
Ellington, Duke, 29
‘‘Elmo’s World’’ (game), 59, 83
emotion: choral music and, 71; films
and, 24, 37; music and, xi, 71, 77,
243–44; strings and, 113; video
games and, 200
engineers, fees for, 223
English horns, 135–36, 136
Entertainment Software Association,
equalization, 42, 47, 69
ethnomusicology, 38–40
expanders, 49–50, 53

faders, 49, 51–52
Fall Out Boy, 192
Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer,
Farrell, Will, 212
feature film advertising, 181
Federal Trade Commission, 158
feeling, xi
fees: arranging fees, 221; for cartage,
222; celebrity fees, 223; composers’
fees, 202, 207; creative fees, 221; for
demos, 220–21, 239; for engineers,
223; schedule of minimum fees,
230–34; session fees, 9, 49, 215
50 Cent, 191

figured bass, 28
films: advertising for, 181; budgets for,
6, 23, 81; directors of, 8, 22, 171–73,
178–79; emotion and, 24, 37; libraries
of, 6; music for, xi, 21–22, 24, 37;
orchestration and, 21–22; scoring of,
vii, 21–24, 178–79, 195; storyboards
and, 14; themes, musical, and, xi
filters, 50, 197
final cut, 10, 23
Finale (software), 41, 87
Flags of Our Fathers, 185
flanging, 50
Fleitas, Patricia, 159–60
Fleming, Peggy, 61–62
fliers, 217
flu ̈gelhorns, 96
flutes: composing for, 128–32,129, 130;
types of, 37, 39
focus groups, 3, 5–6, 23
Foley artists, 60, 80, 196
folkloric style, 36
Fonda, Jane, 176
Foo Fighters, 192
Ford Motor Company, 27, 147
form, musical, 66–70
freelance composing, 13
French horns, 126, 127
frequency range, 74, 95
fretless basses, 92
Funny or Die, 212

G, Kenny, 29, 138
gain/trim knobs, 53
game platforms, 190–93
General Electric ads, 8, 65, 84, 146
generic style, 37–39
genres, of music, 16, 39, 70, 79, 184
Gershwin, George, 29
Glenn Miller Band, 30
glissando, 67, 74, 120, 125
glockenspiels, 110, 110
Godsmack, 192
go-go bells, 112
‘‘going against the picture,’’ 77, 169
Goodman, Benny, 133
Grantham, Marshall, 161–63
graphic design, 18
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