Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Index !! 251

theory, vii; trance music, 26, 48, 79;
for video games, 189–209; World
Music, 27, 39, 102, 216.See alsodance
Musical Instrument Digital Interface
(MIDI): keyboards and, 96–99; quan-
tizing and, 87, 93; samplers and, 40–
42, 107; transposition and, 50
musical logos, 8, 11, 81, 151
musical thread, 194
musicians: authentic sound by, 78–79;
costs of, 222–23; hiring, 34, 36–37,
79, 111, 154–55; nonunion, 198,
219–20; as specialists, 34–35; unions
and, 226–37.See alsoAmerican Fed-
eration of Musicians
musicologists: copyright laws and, 31;
ethnomusicology and, 38–40; pla-
giarism and, 59, 195–96, 239–40, 242;
sound replication and, 28
mutes: for brass instruments, 122; for
French horns, 126; for strings, 115;
for trombones, 125; for trumpets,
123–24, 195
My So-Called Life, 212

Nadien, David, 35
National Television Standards Commit-
tee (NTSC), 55
Native American flutes, 131
nay (flute), 37, 90
NBC Television, 8
negotiations: for budgets, 173, 190,
202–3, 218–19; licensing and, 148;
soundalikes and, 27; union benefits
and, 198
newsletters, 217
Night at the Museum, 181
Nintendo, 190, 205–6
noise gates, 49, 53
noise reduction system, 43
nondisclosure agreements, 202–5
non–drop-frame time code, 55
nonlinear editing, 41–43, 54–55
nonlinear music, 191, 200
nonunion musicians, 198, 219–20
notation patterns, 94, 151
notch filters, 50

NTSC.SeeNational Television Stan-
dards Committee

oboes, 135, 136
ocarinas, 131
on-hold message, xii
opening themes, 179
orchestras, 96, 198–99, 201
orchestration: commercials and, 70, 85–
143; compositional techniques and,
vii, 89; films and, 21–22; melodies
and, 87, 89, 143; samplers and, 95–99
organs, 99
ostinatos, 76, 78–79
overdubbing, 119, 155
overtime, 209

Palmer, Volney B., 146
pan flute, 132
panning, 52
parametric equalizers, 47
patch bays, 54
payment schedule, 203
payroll companies, 224–25
Pearl Harbor, 81
percussion instruments, 42, 93–96,
106–7, 111–13
percussive instruments, 75, 95, 108–11
The Perfect Holiday, 181
performing rights, 201, 226–30, 235–37.
See alsoAmerican Society of Com-
posers, Authors and Publishers;
Broadcast Music Incorporated; Soci-
ety of European Stage Authors and
Perlman, Itzhak, 90
Peter Pan, 189
phantom power, 54
phrasing, 154
Piano Concerto in A minor(Grieg), 76
pianos: acoustic, 98, 107–8, 108 ;Bo ̈send-
orfer piano, 98, 107; composing for,
11, 30, 34, 36–37, 78; electric, 52, 81,
97; keys on, 107; synthesized, 97
piccolos, 128, 129
pilot tracks, 165–66
pitch correctors, 50
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