Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1

252 !!Index

pizzicato, 36, 114, 118, 195
plagiarism: avoiding, 33, 185, 193;
musicologists and, 59, 195–96, 239–
40, 242; sound replication and, 28
platforms, for video games, 190–93
Plato, xi
PlayStation, 190, 192, 205–6
plug-ins, 26, 44–46, 50, 197
podcasts, 234
pool-outs, 149
portfolio, 16
Powers, Dennis, 171, 173–75
preamplifiers, 51, 54
prerecorded tracks, 88
prescription drugs, 20
problems: compositional, 38–40, 71–75;
production, 9–11, 157
producers: administrative, 12–14;
advertising, 12–14; music, 8–9
product: name, 2, 57, 151–52, 227; test-
ing, on television, 6–7
production: limited, 6; problems in,
9–11, 157; quality, of demos, 82–84,
162; tips for, 157–58
Prom Queen, 212
Pro Tools, 44, 88, 105, 187
Psychic Friends Network, 176
psychographics, 4, 58, 146, 183
public relations firms, 218
public service commercials, 65
publishing rights, 207

quantizing, 87, 93
Quarterlife, 212
Quicktime Movie players, 41, 243

radio: budgets, for commercials, 167;
commercials on, 21, 165–70; jingles
for, 169, 220; scoring, for commer-
cials, 166
Rambo 4: John Rambo, 181
Ravel, Maurice, 86
recorder (flute), 131
recording consoles, 42, 50–54
recording techniques: Dolby spectral
recording, 43, 187; overview of,
40–54; 78-rpm recordings, 31; for
vocals, 48–49, 69–71, 158

record stores, on Internet, 91
re-creating sounds, 31
registers, instrumental, 40
rehearsal markings, 88
Renaissance flutes, 131
The Republic(Plato), xi
research, 2–7, 19–20, 27
residual payments, 9, 49, 215, 221, 228
responsorial singing, 29
reverb effects, 42, 47–48, 69, 101, 197
rhythm: patterns, 37, 74, 78, 94–95; sec-
tions, 93–95; tracks, 84
Riddle, Nelson, 122
ride cymbals, 104
right-to-work states, 198, 219–20
Robbins, Anthony, 176
Robinson, Smokey, 28
rondo form, 68
rubato, 37
Rubber Soul, 38
rumba, 37
Rush Hour 3, 181
Russo/Grantham Productions, 161, 237
Russo, John, 237–42

SAG.SeeScreen Actors Guild
sales representatives, 216–17, 220
samplers: demos and, 195; grooves and,
44–45; MIDI and, 40–42, 107; orches-
tration and, 95–99; underscoring
and, 70, 78–83
Saturday Night Fever, 25
saxophones, 96,138,138–40
schedule of minimum fees, 230–34
Schefrin, Aram, 191
Scheler, Gabriela, 67
Schindler’s List, 90
Schnur, Steve, 191–93
score paper, 72, 87, 151, 166
scoring: of films, vii, 21–24, 178–79, 195;
lyrics, 87, 89; radio commercials, 166
scratch tracks, 11
Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 197, 215,
Sellecca, Connie, 176
sequencers, 41–42, 243
SESAC.SeeSociety of European Stage
Authors and Composers
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