CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 8: Working with Text | 115

The icon of the text flow tab at the bottom of
the frame also changes.

The red color of the frame and the icon of the text flow
tab indicate text overflow.

You have a few options for fixing text overflow:

  • Resize the text frame.

To resize a text frame, select the frame by
using the Pick tool , and drag one of the
selection handles.

Using a selection handle to change the width of a text

  • Adjust the text size.

To adjust the size of text, select the text in
the frame by using the Te x t tool , click
the Font size list box on the property bar,
and choose a size from the list.

  • Link the frame to another text frame.

To direct overflow text to another frame,
select the starting frame by using the
Te x ttool , click the Te x t f l o w tab at
the bottom of the frame, and when the
pointer changes to a Link to pointer ,
click the frame into which you want to
continue the text flow.

You can lay out text in columns, which are
useful for designing text-intensive projects,
such as newsletters, magazines, and
newspapers. You can create columns of equal
or varying widths and gutters.

To add columns to a text frame, click the
Te x t tool , and select a text frame. Click
the Frame button in the Object
properties docker. In the Frame area of
the Object properties docker, click the
Column settings button, and specify
column settings in the Column settings
dialog box.

The Column settings dialog box
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