CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

40 | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

To add a fill to an object, click either the Fill
tool or the Interactive fill tool.

The Fill tool lets you choose one of five fill
types, each with a wide range of options. The
Interactive fill tool lets you apply a fill
dynamically by using property bar controls
while drawing in the document window. The
following list describes the types of fills that are
available for each tool.

Fill tool

•The Uniform fill is a single-color fill.

•The Fountain fill is a blended fill of two
or more colors.

•The Pattern fill is a patterned design,
such as a floral wallpaper design.

•The Te x t u r e f i l l has a textured effect that
mimics various surfaces, such as marble,
ocean surface, and moon terrain.

•The PostScript fill supports transparency
in a range of patterns.

Interactive fill tool

•The Interactive fill lets you create a
fountain fill and apply changes to it in real

•The Mesh fill lets you manipulate a mesh
grid to control the colors and blends in a
custom fountain fill.

For more information, see “Filling objects” in
the Help.

Adding transparency

You can apply transparency to create a realistic
rendering of objects such as water and glass.

When you add transparency to an object,
anything behind the object shows through.

Transparency was added to the object on the left to
create the illusion of water, and to the object on the
right to create the illusion of glass. The Drop shadow
tool was used to intensify the effect in both objects.

You can adjust the measure of transparency to
determine how opaque the object is. A fully
opaque object completely blocks anything
behind it, whereas a fully transparent object is

To apply transparency to an object, you have
several choices. You can use the Interactive
transparency tool to apply a transparency fill,
or you can use a transparency lens effect. In
addition, you can control the way the
transparency is blended in the object, and you
can copy transparencies from one object to
another. You can also specify whether to apply
the transparency to the fill or to the object
outline, or to both.

Adding effects

CorelDRAW offers a range of tools that you can
use to add three-dimensional effects to
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