Soren Kierkegaard

(Romina) #1
Boisen, Elise Marie, 24, 111–14, 187, 812; Christian, Hans, 591
death of, 114, 115 Christian Discourses, 358, 494–97, 500, 546,
Boisen, P. O., 24, 111 561
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 7, 614 Christian Dogmatics(Martensen), 575, 576–
Book on Adler, The,626;Kierkegaard’scriti- 78; criticism of by R. Nielsen, 580–81
cal reading of Adler’s four publications ChristianSermonsortheSundayBook(Grund-
from 1846, 448–50; Kierkegaard’s pre- tvig), 36
sentation of the documents related to the Christianity, 33–34, 70, 578–79, 623–25,
case, 446–48; on repetition, 450–57; 662–67, 713.See alsoKierkegaard,
writing and editing of, 444–46 Søren, and Christianity
Borchsenius, Otto, 807 Christianshavn, 304
Borgerdyd School, 17–18, 22, 40; curricu- Church of Our Lady, 325
lum of, 21–22 Church’s Rejoinder, The(Grundtvig), 35, 36
Bournonville, August, 310, 575 Clausen, H. N., 29, 32, 36, 61, 139, 147–
Brandes, Georg, xix, 134, 256, 317 48, 321, 493, 536, 729
Bremer, Fredrika, 575–76, 589–93, 675, Clausen, Julius, 173–75, 189
799; on Kierkegaard, 591–92 Claussen, Peder, 51
Brøchner, Hans, xx, 45, 113, 123, 134, Collected Short Stories(Blicher), 57
137, 154, 160, 220, 288, 298, 312–13, Collected Works of Fulfillment, The, 561
336, 417, 428, 429, 439, 441, 498, 514, Collett, Camilla, 314
534, 539, 752, 803; description of chol- Collin, Edvard, 140, 518
era epidemic, 701–2; onEither/Or, 224; Collin, Henriette, 417
as “Søren Kirk,” 419 Comedy in the Open Air, A(Andersen), 145
Brønsted, P. O., 197, 199 Communications concerning My Life(J. Myns-
Brorson, Hans Adolph, 641 ter), 604–5, 730–32, 742
Brosbøll, Carl, 429 Communist Manifesto, The(Marx and Eng-
Brunn, Peter Munthe, 38, 108 els), 486
Bull, J.E.G., 7, 10 Compendious General Atlas of the Entire
Burman-Becker, J. G., 54 World(Weiland), 475
“Burning of the Castle of Rags, The” (von Concept of Anxiety, The, 89–90, 106, 109,
der Recke), 533
Busck, Gunni, 35, 769 110, 286, 353, 437–38, 444, 453, 541–
Bu ̈tzow, Christiane Elisabeth, 507 42; analysis of original sin in, 347–48;
“The Seducer’s Diary” as an introduc-
Caricatures of What Is Most Holy(Steffens), tion to, 270–77, 279–80; and Vigilius
209 Haufniensis, 268, 269, 434–35, 437,
Caroline Amalie (queen), 480–81, 575 438; writing of, 266–69
Carstensen, Georg, 303 Concluding Unscientific Postscript, 36, 86, 95,
“Casino meetings,” 493–94 319, 321–22, 333, 358, 361–63, 411,
Cavaignac, Jean-Baptiste, 499 434–35, 447, 456, 465, 473–74, 487,
cholera, 700–702 510, 515, 563, 584; binding of, 680; Eir-
Christ, as Kierkegaard’s exemplar, 318 iksson’s invoking of, 425–26; full title of,
Christens, C. F., 199^361
Christensen, Peter Vilhelm, 213, 216, 424– Confused, Idealistic-Metaphysical, Fantastical-
25, 510 Speculative, Religion- and Christianity-Sub-
Christian IV, 304 verting,Fatalistic,Pantheistic,andSelf-Deify-
Christian VII, 3 ing Essence of Dr. H. Martensen’s Published
Christian VIII, 197, 303, 479–84 Moral Laws, or the So-Called “Outline of

856 {Index}

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