Kant, Immanuel, 153 808; in Paris, 26; reaction to Søren’s
Kierkegaard, Aabye, and Co., 8 death, 796–97, 799–804; refusal to carry
Kierkegaard, Anders Andersen (cousin of out state baptisms, 318–19; relationship
Michael), 8 withhisfather,25–26,44,131,351;rep-
Kierkegaard (nee ́Lund), Ane (second wife utation of as a student, 23–24; as a
of Michael, mother of Søren), 5–7, 44, teacher, 22, 40–41
50; death of, 45 Kierkegaard, Petrea Severine (sister), 6, 22,
Kierkegaard, Hans Peter (cousin), 297–98 23, 25, 39–40, 46, 49; death of, 135
Kierkegaard (nee ́Nielsdatter Røyen), Kirs- Kierkegaard,SophieHenriette(“Jette”)(sis-
tine (first wife of Michael), 4–5, 9 ter-in-law), 295–97, 313
Kierkegaard, Maren Kirstine (sister), 6, Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye, 6, 22, 38, 45,
130; death of, 9, 460 116–17, 127, 689–91, 810–13; and accu-
Kierkegaard, Michael Pedersen (father), 3, sations of being a hack writer, 332–37;
12, 13–17, 22, 34–35, 44, 45, 50, 108; as and Adler, 441–57; admiration for He-
a businessman, 3–4, 7; cursing of God, rodotus, 351–52; as “Aesthete A,” 476;
136, 138, 346; death of, 128–30, 144; and “air baths,” 478–79, 534; amaze-
first marriage, 4–5; intelligence of, 13– ment at reaching the age of 34, 50; and
14;astheleperin“ALeper’sSelf-Obser- the anniversary of his father’s death,
vation,” 345–47; marriage to Ane 325–26; as “Anti-Climacus,” 650–54,
Sørensd, 5–7; siblings, 4; as the young 665, 666, 670; as an aristocrat, 316–18;
man in “‘Guilty?’/‘Not Guilty?’” 344– attacked for criticizing Martensen and
45 Mynster, 734–39, 749–50; attacks on the
Kierkegaard, Mikael Andersen (cousin of clergy by, 758–64, 774–75; auction of
Michael), 5, 113 household goods after his death, 802–3;
Kierkegaard, Nicoline Christine (sister), 6, in Berlin, 199–213, 229–32, 475; birth
11, 22, 23, 37, 127; death of, 38–39, 135 of, 7; burial of, xvii–xix; childhood of,
Kierkegaard, Niels Andreas (brother), 7, 8–10, 132–33; choice not to travel, 474–
17, 22, 37; death of, 43–44; trip to 79; on cholera, 757–58; and Christian
America, 38–39, 41–43 VIII, 479–84; at the Citadel Church,
Kierkegaard, Paskal Michael Poul Egede 673–75; coffee-drinking habits of, 290–
(“Poul”) (nephew, son of Christian 91;oncommunism,486–90,503–5;con-
Peter), 295, 808–11 flict with Goldschmidt, 379–82, 408–11;
Kierkegaard, Peder Christian (grandfather), conflict with Grundtvig, 36, 318–25,
3 330–31; correspondence with Kolderup-
Kierkegaard, Peder Petersen (uncle), 108 Rosenvinge, 498–500; criticism of Mar-
Kierkegaard, Peter Christian (brother), tensen and Mynster, 732–39, 744, 751–
xviii, xix, 7, 14, 17, 19, 22, 38–40, 42– 52; critique of cultivation, 359–61; death
46, 50, 97, 111, 115–16, 127, 152, 153, of, 793–97; debut as a critic, 139–46;
154, 188–89, 199, 217, 294–95, 389, and depression, 117–18; derivation of
429, 430, 440, 560, 636–41, 646, 660, last name, 3; desire to become a pastor,
669–71, 791, 807–10, 812; on the Apos- 412–13; dispute with Peter Christian,
tles’ Creed, 321; as bishop of Aalborg, 636–41; distrust of history, 764–65; early
808–10; effect of father’s death on, 134– education of, 17–22; effect of father’s
38; fear of talking in his sleep, 350; fi- death on, 131–38; examinations and,
nancial dealings with Søren, 505–7; as 152–54; extravagant lifestyle of, 102–3,
follower of Grundtvig, 34–36; marriage 517–19, 531–34; fan letters to, 675–79;
toEliseMarieBoisen,111–14,812;mar- as “Farinelli,” 205, 251; fascination with
riage to Sophie Henriette Glahn, 294, criminalactivity,49–50,106;fearoftalk-
860 {Index}