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them alone. The Christians acknowledge only the
prophets of Israel. All others they regard as impos-
tors. But Islam says that it would be a denial of the
universal providence of God to assert that prophets
were raised only in one nation. According to the
Holy Quran, God is the Lord and Cherisher of all the
worlds. He has made no discrimination between na-
tions in sending his revelations, He has raised proph-
ets among all the nations of the globe. These same
religion was revealed to all the prophets. The Holy
Quran says:

“There is not a nation but a warner hath passed

among them.” (35:24).

"And for every nation there is a Messenger."

(10:48) "Verily We sent Messengers before thee

(Muhammad), among them are those of whom We

have told thee, and some of whom We have not told

thee." (The Quran 40:78)

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