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the truth he faithfully observed the QWuranic in-
junction, “There is no compulsion in religion”
(2:256). He had imbued himself with divine qualities
and caused his fellow-men to take teh greatest step
towards the divine. Yet he remained humble and
modest, conscious always of the nothingness before
God, and from the highest peak of moral and spiritu-
al perfection to which he had attained he cried out to
the people, “I am only a moral like you.” (Al-
Qura’an 41:6).
Non-Muslims’ Tributes to the Prophet
With the passing of Oriental Studies from the
hands of Christian missionaries and divines into
those of independent scholars the appreciation of the
Prophet Muhammad and his message is growing in
the West.
Here are two extract about the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) from a recent book by a learied
American professor :

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