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was also developed long after Jesus. In fact, one can
trace the stages through which Jesus was gradually
deified. In'Q' he was regarded as a prophet of God,
as a human being and nothing more, in 'Urmarcus'
there was an attempt to glamorize his person and at-
tribute many miracles to him; in works of the first
and second century he was presented as a mighty an-
gel, the first born of all creation, but a creature; and
finally in the preface to Johii's Gospel and other
works of the third and fourth century he was made
iiito a God. In the Nicene Creeds (325 C. E.) it is af-
firmed against those Christians who still denied the
divinity of Jesus:"I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only begotten, Soii of God. Bom of the Father
before all ages. God of God, Light of "Light, true
God of true God. Begotten not made being of one
substance with the Father."
Reason re fuses to accept a man who was born of
awoman, suffered from human wants, ignorance and

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