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Iimitations, and gradually grew in stature, power and
wisdom, like all other human beings, as God. To put
human limitations upon God and to believe in His
incarnaticit in a human body is to deny the perfec-
tion of God.
The dogma of the Incarnation was taken into Ch-
ristianity, like many other Christian notions, from
paganism. In pre-Christian mythologies we often
read of the hero being regarded as a God. The Hin-
dus of India even today worship their ancient heroes,
Rama and Krishna, as incaraations of Vishnu, the
second person of the Hindu Trinity.
Islam has liberated its followers from the bondage
of such superstititions by rejecting the dogma of the
Incarnation The Holy Ouran rejects the divinity of
Jesus in these words:
"They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! God is the
Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said: 0
children of Israel, worship God, mv Lord and your

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