Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

laboratories in more recent times began isolating the various
ingredients of the herbs in an effort to make them more potent. As
this occurred, many of the balancing effects of the herbs disappeared
and unpleasant side effects began to take place. The drug companies
then began to produce the elements found in herbs synthetically
from chemicals. Stronger and stronger drugs were produced with
ever-increasing and more dangerous side effects until the entire
situation became a complicated nightmare of "kill or cure"

Poisons, drugs, and chemotherapy are a part of these destructive
forces. When these did not properly work, psychology and
psychiatry me a part of medical practice in an effort to overcome the
limitations which continue to exist. Many of these efforts to reduce
the limitations have come from outside the medical field and
gradually, one by one, are being relunctantly accepted as part of the
healing profession. (Acupuncture is a recent case in point.)

Diagnosis and prescribing became boundless and extreme in the
attempt to apply substances designed to destroy what was believed
to be the causes of man's diseases. In spite of increasing medication,
however, diseases have actually increased... and so have the many
forms of medication.
Hundreds of names have been given to a huge variety of conditions
(diseases) until volumes are needed to catalogue all of the
procedures for diagnosis and treatment.

Still the mystery of disease remained unsolved and another
solution automatically developed. Gradually specialists emerged
whose theory was that if they couldn't stop the onslaught of disease
by medication, then they would cut out the diseased parts of the

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