As you, or if you do go through the experiences of yoga
consider the above facts and utilize only the very best of teachers as
your instructor.
The right one for you may be hard to find so in the mean time
make use of what is available and keep searching.
William C. Finley has generously offered this chapter on yoga taken
directly from the original Sanskrit. I present it knowing that it can
add greatly to your life.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga, one of the many recently popular branches of
Yoga, is the practice or exercise of various static physical postures of
the body called asanas, and breath control called pranayama. The
asanas and pranayama are two of the eight parts described in the
astanga, or eight-limbed Yoga, originally written in the oldest known
foundational text on Yoga called the Yoga Sutras of Patahjali.
Thousands of years ago in India, a man known traditionally as
Patahjali taught a scientific eight step method of physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual culture to enable the soul of man to free itself
from his psycho-physical covering to attain its pristine purity and
reunite with God. Patahjali enumerated in Sarhskrta in Sutra II (29):
"Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and
samadhi are the eight limbs."
There are five yamas or rules of self control:
Ahirhsa— Non-violence in thought, word and deed against any
living being
Satya — Truthfulness
Aparigraha — Non-possessiveness, detachment