The doctor wanted to cut the skull open and operate on the brain. D.
B. probably would not survive the operation — but he wouldn't live
anyway, so why not operate?
His mother refused to allow the operation and he was immediately
removed from the hospital — a seemingly hopeless cripple.
Night and day use of color began. Daily application of Vita-
Flex began. The lemonade diet began and continued for twenty days.
After only 12 days D. B. was able to walk briskly into the doctor's
office, completely healed with no side effects. The cost; only $60.00.
All of his friends who saw him after the accident and then after the
12 days of treatment were completely astounded. Another miracle of
the finest in healing!
The doctor was almost speechless with this modern miracle before
his eyes. His best explanation was simply "You are young and had a
strong desire to live".
The hospital and doctor's records are there and the facts can be
verified. Many friends are available for verification.
This is not a rare case. Thousands have received similar results and
many thousands more will continue to have this service available to
them through its proponents around the world.
The True Story of Dr. J
At the end of a healing lecture one night I talked with a Dr. J. I
asked him if he intended to take my class. His response was "No, but
I'll make a deal with you. I am a surgeon, but for some time now I
have had to discontinue operating." His hands were all cracked,
swollen, and painful. Wearing gloves to operate was no longer
possible. "If you will heal my hands I will come to take your class".
He had tried everything in the medical field and nothing had worked.
The simplicity of the lemonade diet, plus applications of vinegar on
the hands, resulted in a normal condition returning in three weeks.