clearer thinking.
Its sodium encourages tissue building.
Its magnesium acts as a blood alkalizer.
Its iron builds the red corpuscles to rapidly correct the most common
forms of anemia.
Its chlorine cleanses the blood plasma.
Its silicon aids the thyroid^ for deeper breathing.
The natural iron, copper, calcium, carbon, and hydrogen found
in the sweetening supplies more building and cleansing material. It
truly is a perfect combination for cleansing, eliminating, healing, and
building. Hence, supplements are not needed during the diet and
may actually interfere with its cleansing action.
Will it Make Me Feel Bad or Weak
In the cleansing process, some people experience a tremendous
stirring up and may even feel worse for several days. It is not the
lemonade that causes the trouble, but what the lemonade stirs up in
the system that causes our dizziness and other disturbances.
Vomiting may occur under certain conditions; increased pain may be
felt in the various joints of the body; dizziness may develop on
certain days. If weakness develops at any time, it is the result of
poisons circulating through the blood stream rather than a lack of
food or vitamins. This diet gives a person all the vitamins, food, and
energy necessary for the full ten days or longer in a liquid form. Rest
and take it a little easier if you have to — although most people can
go on about their regular business without difficulty. Keep right on
with the diet; don't give up or "cheat" by eating a little food or you
may destroy the benefits.
Even though the lemon is an acid fruit, it becomes alkaline as it
is digested and assimilated. It is, in fact, our best aid toward proper