A Study in American Jewish Leadership

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Notes to Chapter 2 263
‘Social Question,’ and Jewish Identity in Imperial Germany,” Leo Baeck Insti-
tuteYear Book 38 (1993): 51–73.
54.AH, 27 May 1887, 22 Dec. 1893; Naomi W. Cohen, Not Free to Desist (Phila-
delphia, 1972), p. 86.
55.Reel 684, notes by Morris Waldman, 22 July 1925; reel 690, Schiff to L. Wald,
3 Sept. 1897, to W. Buck, 30 June 1898; AH, 22 Dec. 1893; Boyer, Urban
Masses, chap. 10.
56.Minnie Louis in AH, 8 Oct. 1920; Boston Herald, 26 Sept. 1920; Warburg,
Reminiscences, p. 55; Baron Maurice de Hirsch papers (AJHS archives), Box 59,
I-80, Schiff to M. Isaacs, 19 July 1900.
57.Adler, Schiff, 1:357, 359–60, 2:10; reel 22, M. Kohler to M. Schiff, 14 Oct.
1925; reel 23, Schiff to H. Rice, 2 Feb. 1892, to N. Rosenau, 1 Feb. 1897;
reel 689, Schiff to E. Devine, 8 Feb. 1904, 27 May 1915, notes by Morris
Waldman, 22 July 1925; Philip Cowen papers (AJHS archives), Box 2 P-19,
“Notes on Jacob Schiff”; NYT,7 Mar. 1905. On new trends in Jewish philan-
thropy see Bogen, Jewish Philanthropy, chaps. 17, 19, 20; Waldman, Nor by
Power, pt. 3.
58.Schiff’s letter to AH, 27 Jan. 1905; Max Kohler in AH, 8 Oct. 1920; Bogen,
Jewish Philanthropy, pp. 43–47; Jacob H. Schiff, “Jewish Charity Federation in
New York City,” Jewish Charity 3 (Jan. 1904): 81–82; reel 23, Schiff to editor of
Jewish Charity, 24 Dec. 1903; reel 682, Schiff to A. Lehman, 14 June 1920;
Abraham Cronbach, “Jewish Pioneering in American Social Welfare,” Ameri-
can Jewish Archives 3 (June 1951): 51–52.
59.Reel 22, Schiff to E. Benjamin, 15 May 1916; reel 1978, Schiff to H. Bernstein,
13 May 1915; Isaac M. Fein, “Israel Zangwill and American Jewry,” American
Jewish Historical Quarterly 60 (Sept. 1970): 33.
60.Reel 689, memo by Robet De Forest; Adler, Schiff, 2:34–35; reel 696, CA
MSS, p. 1047.
61.Merle Curti, “American Philanthropy and theNational Character,” American
Quarterly 16 (Winter 1958): 420–37; Edward C. Kirkland, Dream and Thought
in the Business Community (Ithaca, N.Y., 1956), chap. 6; Sarah K. Bolton, Fa-
mous Givers and Their Gifts (reprint of 1896 edition. Freeport, NY., 1971), pp.
371–80; Allan Nevins, John D. Rockefeller, 2 vols. (New York, 1940), 2:644–45.
62.Reel 690, Schiff to C. Eliot, 11 July 1899.
63.AH, 26 Jan., 18 May 1900; Andrew Carnegie, “Wealth,” North American Re-
view, no. 391 (June 1889): 653–64; John Lincoln in New Republic, 11 Dec.
1915; reel 677, Schiff to W. Lippmann, 13 Dec. 1915.
64.Albert Shaw, “American Millionaires and Their Public Gifts,” Review of Re-
views 7 (Feb. 1893): 50–51; Jacob H. Schiff, “Social Service and the Free Syn-
agogue,” Free Synagogue Pulpit 1 (Mar. 1908): 49–51.
65.The Schiff papers abound with references to such matters in the banker’s let-
ters to municipal officials. Scattered references are also in NYT,for example 1
Feb. 1914, 28 Oct. 1915.
66.Schiff papers (JTS archives, Jerusalem), L. Marshall to Schiff, 9 Feb., 25 May
1915; reel 1978, Schiff to L. Marshall, 8 Feb. 1915; Max Kohler in AH, 8 Oct.

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