Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Email marketing has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) indexes of all mar-
    keting channels.

  • Response cycles for email are pretty darn quick.

  • Email is an effective and an oh-so-handy way of driving people to your Website, blog

and/or social media outlets such as your band’s Facebook page.

  • Email is highly trackable.
    You can track who opened your email, when they opened it, what links were clicked

and more. That’s great to learn what’s important to your audience.

  • Emails are forward-able.
    When was the last time you received a marketing piece by snail mail and was so
    taken by it that you slapped a label and stamp on it and mailed it to a friend?

That second bullet point is important and it's a wee bit off. Email marketing doesn't
simply have one of the highest ROIs, it is the highest, according to the Direct Marketing

Association (DMA). A recent DMA study showed email marketing’s average ROI to be

an astounding $45.06 for every dollar spent. That's more than double Internet marketing’s
ROI of $19.94 for every dollar spent on banner ads and such. That fact alone should mo-
tivate you to get into email marketing, if you haven't done so already.
Like Twitter and other social media outlets, email subscribers have expressed an in-

terest in what you have to say. They’ve “opted in” by subscribing or following you. This
is called inbound, or permission marketing, where the fans find you. Outbound marketing

is what most people would call “traditional” marketing and advertising techniques. It in-

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