Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

Those are pretty impressive statistics and a testament to why you or your band needs
to have a Facebook presence and a robust one, at that. Facebook not only provides a
medium to reach out to your fan base on their desktop or laptop computers, but also their
mobile devices, which is a fast growing segment of the audience and the Web-at-large for
that matter..
Begin by pointing your browser to where

you can select, “Artist, Band or Public Figure.” Next, choose a category, in your case,

“Musician or Band.” Pop in your name or the name of your band and agree to Facebook’s
Once your Page is created, it’s time to start dressing it up. Early in 2012, Facebook

changed the layout for personal profiles and Pages, adding in the “timeline” and “cover

image.” The cover image appears at the top of a Facebook Page, is 851 pixels by 315
pixels and ideally less than 100 kilobytes. It can be pretty much anything you like except
a blatant sales message. Do some Facebook searches for musicians and bands you like

and you’ll get a good idea of what is being done. As mentioned, if you haven’t shelled out
a ton of money for Photoshop, open-source image editor, Gimp, has you covered for cre-
ating your cover image.
After uploading your cover image, complete the “About” page, giving your fans the
low down about who you are, what your music is about, how your act developed and sim-
ilar information. Be sure to include your contact information so all those booking agents
can get in touch.
Use the “Photos” section to upload performance images, band member photos and re-

lated images. Populate the “Events” section with upcoming show dates and other events.

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