Urban planning through major planning documents after 1999: urban centrality between vision and reality
The second category is widely spread, the former industrial locations,
especially in the North and West are favored locations, although it has to be
pointed out the fact that the level of dispersion of office buildings does not take
advantage of the advantages of proximity and agglomeration; their relative or
high dispersion is in fact visible and leads to a growing incoherence to which
largely unfinished office buildings, stopped as an effect of the economic crisis,
are adding. Industrial platforms such as Pipera, Semapark etc., although similar
in their past configuration and activity are valued differently by office buildings:
while Semapark is being developed according to a coherent plan, Pipera is
clearly the result of a speculative development, non-related with the urban
context: high density, mono-functionnality, total absence of public spaces,
vacant or untamed lands, the lack of landscape arrangements etc., but above
all the missed opportunity to make an integrated urban development project
that could turn the former industrial platform into an emblematic project.
In conclusion, a criticial aspect regarding the
development of Bucharest is the lack of coagulation in
consolidated poles while pressure rises on the central
area; as professor Cristea states: the regeneration
and the protection through a raise in coherence of
the central area have to be done in parallel with the
development of new multimodal of business and
commercial poles, that can furthermore contribute
to the XXI century representative image of Bucharest.
The overall intra-urban centrality
Another, more efficient way to measure centrality is
by taking into account the level of diversity, density,
hierarchy and intensity of activities. As it can be seen in
figure 5, at the overall level, Bucharest is characterized
by a higher degree of centrality in its central area and
some extensions, especially to the North but also by
some older centralities that have been reinforced
recently due to an intensification in service and
commercial activity of the city; places such as Obor,
Piața Sudului, Piața Victoriei as well as places that
are usually centers of diverse neighborhoods, have
gained in centrality over the last years, maintaining an
important place in the urban structure.
Places invested with highly specialized functions,
or very rare functions such as the National Arena
(in the eastern part of the city) are also gaining a
certain interest materialized in the development of
surrounding places.
Fig. 5
Bucharest: functional intensity and diversity.
(CSB2035, interpretation by Alexandru)