Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

1 Lascu, N.: Legislație şi dezvoltare urbană. Bucureşti 1831 - 1952, doctoral thesis, IAUIM,
Bucureş ti. 1997, 66.
2 Lascu, N.: Primul program pentru sistematizarea Bucureştiului, in Urbanismul - serie nouă,
no. 7/2010 - 8/2011, număr tematic Momente de urbanism românesc, 33-34, 73.
3 Engineer Alexandru Davidescu (1858-1936) was educated at the École Nationale des Ponts
et Chaussées [National School of Bridges and Roads] in Paris; president of the Asociația
Generală a Inginerilor din România (AGIR) Engineers Association in Romania and
member of editorial board of engineering scientific publications; director of the Planning
Department of Bucharest City Hall (1900-1910), general secretary in the Ministry of Public
Works, president of the Comitetul Tehnic Superior [Higher Technical Committee, the
highest approval organism for urban planning in Romania before 1926] till 1925; author of
5 urban plans throughout Romania, together with his son Arch. Ion Davidescu, between
1924 and 1931; organized Constructia oraselor [City development], the first urban plan-
ning course in Romania at the Bucharest Polytechnics in 1919 and taught it continuously
until 1936.
4 Davidescu, A./M. I. Stroescu: Programul concursului pentru proiectul de sistematizarea
oraşului Bucureşti, in Costinescu, N. G.: Proiectul cu motto ’lucrează fără preget’ pentru
sistematizarea oraşului Bucureşti, Buletinul Societății Politecnice, anul XXIII, no. 11, No-
vember 1907, 463.
5 Lascu, 2011, 84.
6 Lascu, 2010-2011, 33.
7 Referring to his own proposal for a new zoning plan for Bucharest, C. Sfințescu mentioned
in his research report article ”Parcela” şi ”Blocul” în constituirea oraşelor in 1914-1916 a
previous zoning plan developed by Bucharest Mayor V. Brătianu probably around 1907.
8 Engineer Cincinat Sfințescu (1887-1955) is the founding father of Romanian urban
planning with his prodigious activity spanning over 30 years; was educated at the Școala
Naționala de Poduri şi Șosele [National School of Bridges and Roads] in Bucharest; 1910-
1942 wrote at least 250 articles for 16 Romanian journals and 4 international journals; he
authored 46 volumes; 1926-1934, 1938-1942 was the technical secretary of the Uniunea
Oraşelor din România - UOR [Union of Romanian Cities] and Institutul Urbanistic Roman

  • IUR [Romanian Planning Institute] and administrator / coordinating editor of the UOR/
    IUR official publication - the only Romanian urban planning scientific publications, issued
    continually from 1923 till 1942: Monitorul Uniunei Oraşelor din România - MUOR [Moni-
    tor of Union of Romanian Cities], later became Urbanismul [Urban Planning], solely wrote
    16 issues of the journals MUOR and Urbanismul; was the Chief of the Planning Service
    in Bucharest City Hall from 1914 to 1920, and the Director of the Public Works Depart-

The first urban plans of Bucharest in the rise of the 20th century

  • Rădulescu, Teodor (1929) ”Planurile de amenajarea oraşelor” in
    Monitorul Uniunei Oraşelor din România, year VI, no. 3-6, March-April,
    pp. 18-22.

  • Sfințescu C. (1919) Studiu asupra planului general de sistematizare al
    Capitalei, urmat de un anteproect de lege asupra stabilirei, construirei,
    desvoltărei şi sistematizărei comunelor. 1 iunie 1919, Primăria Capitalei,
    Direcțiunea Generală Technică. Bucureşti, tipografia Jokey-Club.

  • Sfințescu, C. (1929) Cum să sistematizăm Bucureştiul. Extract from Arhiva
    pentru ş tiință ş i reformă socială, no 1-3. Bucureşti, Cultura națională.

  • Sfințescu, C. (1938) ”Bucureştii în lumina ştiinței urbanistice. Conferință
    ținută la Societatea Politecnică în ziua de 21 martie 1935” în Urbanismul,
    year XV (VII), no. 5-6, pp. 169-185.

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