Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The Coolest Guy in the Room

Q: When you look at somebody who has promise, what would
be the primary characteristics of that trader?

A: If you give me someone who wants to be the best at what
ever they do, and I don’t care if it’s ditch digging, building houses,
or whatever they will do, whatever is necessary to learn to win or
succeed, I can make a trader out of that person.

Q: So it’s really the inherent desire to be a winner in whatever
activity you’re involved in?

A: That’s true. If you took guys like Michael Jordan or a successful
businessman, they will learn to be the best at whatever they do or
the best they can be, and they’ll do whatever they have to do to
achieve those goals.

Q: Do you like athletics, do you follow sports?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you find that the prototype of a successful trader or
successful day trader in futures tends to be someone who is highly
competitive and has some kind of athletic background in their

A: Yes. I know most about golf because I play a pretty good
game of golf. I think that I could take almost any person whom I
have played golf with, who is exceptionally good at it. I can probably
teach them to trade because, by definition, if they are a good golfer,
they are very disciplined. They’re adaptive and they make the best
of it. They don’t take excessive risk. They’re always calculating that
best way to win.

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