Food & garden ‐ n°2
Environmental assessment of garden waste management
in Århus Kommune
Year 2009
Author Boldrin
Impact assessment
Windrow Composting
(Composting scenario
from case GW1)
Incineration with
energy recovery
Home Composting
(Composting scenario
from case GW2)
Depletion of abiotic resources (kg Sb eq)
Climate change (kg CO 2 eq/ton) ‐31,19415661 ‐443,8705646 ‐87,75001206
Cumulative enerhy demand (MJ)
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg NO3 eq/ton) 0,875688252 0,88458764 0,742777975
Acidification (kg SO2 eq/ton) 0,532968787 0,430590364 0,476618144
Photochemical oxydation (kg ethylene eq/ton) 0,043858483 ‐0,001985871 0,012710197
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11 eq)
Toxicity (kg 1 ‐ 4 ‐dichlorobenzene)
Ecotoxicity in Water (m3/ton) 2899,441711 ‐270,3642013 ‐25,11618029
Human Toxicity via Soil (m3/ton) 43,63298253 ‐0,232179958 54,74043569
Human Toxicity via Air (m3/ton) 108577893,6 5467513,615 ‐404747,9168
Human Toxicity via Water (m3/ton) 6314,76782 ‐294,0949988 7921,065633
Ecotoxicity in Soil (m3/ton) 14663,51605 ‐1,911687901 18402,39258
Indicator not included
disposal stage only
Handling and treatment of 16,220 tonnes of garden waste produced in
Århus municipality and treated at Århus Affaldscenter