Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1


No clear conclusion can be draw up for this indicator but still recycling and pyrolysis both emerge as the options
bringing more benefits. Landfill is in most cases the worst option.

Table 37 Ranking of end-of-life options within each scenario for eutrophication for plastics

Case Recycling

with energy

Landfill Pyrolysis

1[PE] +++ + ++
1[PET] +++ + ++
2[MIX1] +++ ++ + ++
2[MIX2] ++ ++ + +++
2[MIX3] ++ ++ + +++
2[MIX4] ++ ++ + +++
3[PE] + ++ +++
3[PP] +++ ++ +
3[PS] ++ +++ +
3[PET] +++ ++ +
3[PVC] +++ ++ + +++ best option
8[PS1] * + * +++ ++ intermediary option
8[PS2] +++ + + worst option
8[PS3] +++ + option not assessed
Studies n°4, 5,  6  and  7  do not include this indicator
* Feedstock recycling scenario

(kg PO4 eq)

Human toxicity

Once again, recycling and pyrolysis are the preferable options while landfill clearly appears as the worst option.

Table 38 Ranking of end-of-life options within each scenario for human toxicity for plastics

Case Recycling

with energy

Landfill Pyrolysis

1[PE] +++ ++ +
1[PET] +++ ++ +
2[MIX1] +++ ++ + ++
2[MIX2] ++ ++ + +++
2[MIX3] +++ ++ + ++
2[MIX4] ++ ++ + +++
3[PE] +++ ++ +
3[PP] +++ ++ + +++ best option
3[PS] ++ +++ + ++ intermediary option
3[PET] +++ ++ + + worst option
3[PVC] +++ ++ + option not assessed
Studies n°4, 5, 6,  7  and  8  do not include this indicator

Human toxicity
(kg 1,4‐DB eq)

Key parameters

The assumptions that have been identified as potential key parameters are:

 the time perspective taken into account for the plastics degradation in landfills
 the avoided material production and substitution ratio
 the type of energy recovery
 the efficiency of the sorting process and the “default” disposal option

The role and influence of each of these parameters are investigated below.

Time perspective

A specificity of landfill is the time frame since emissions from landfills can spread over very long time periods,
often thousands of years or longer. The potential emissions thus need to be integrated over a certain time period.

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