The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

(^646) INDEX
middle passage, 117-18
migration, 37, 43, 170-71, 298-99, 312,
318-23, 445
Military Automobiles Assistance Law (Japan,
1918), 481
Mill, John Stuart, 434
Ming dynasty, 56, 336, 339
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
(MITI), 482
Mir Jafar, 160, 161, 165, 166
Mitsui Takafusa, 363
Mobutu Sese Seko, 504-5
Moctezuma, 105-6
Moghul empire, 152-54, 156-61, 394, 395-96,
monasteries, 48, 58
monopolies, 43, 132, 146-47, 153, 159, 235,
239, 243, 364
Monroe, James, 430»
mortality rates, 11, 170
Môser, Justus, 222-23
Moses, 34
motion, rotary vs. reciprocating, 188, 191-92,
movable type, 52
Muhammad, 392
Mumford, Lewis, 48
Muslim Brotherhood, 413
Mustafa, Haji, 229
myopia, 47
Napier, Charles, 427
Napier, John, 204
Napoléon I, Emperor of France, 403
Napoléon III, Emperor of France, 263, 267
Nariakira, Shimazu, 369
natural resources, 236, 242, 293, 295-96, 299,
457, 471
navigation, 86-87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 98, 110»,
135,201-2, 204, 212, 265, 277, 285
navigation acts, 234, 443, 446, 448
Needham, Joseph, 55, 339», 347
Neolithic revolution, 40-41
Netherlands, see Holland
Newcomen, Thomas, 187
New Discourse of Trade (Child), 448
New Imperialism, 428-29
Newton, Isaac, 184, 202, 204
New World:
agriculture in, 169, 293-94, 314
British colonization of, 77-78
Christianity in, 101, 107, 108, 109, 313-14
discovery of, 60-78, 88, 99-101
epidemics in, 62-63, 71, 106-7, 109,
169-70, 293
as frontier, 292-95
gold in, 101-2, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114
historical analysis of, 60-63, 76-78
immigration to, 312, 314
Indian population of, 61-63, 67», 70, 71-72,
74-78, 99, 101,102-12, 169, 171,293,
industrialization of, 292-309
Spanish conquest of, 74-78, 88, 89, 99-112,
Nigeria, 499, 506
Nobel, Alfred, 249
noble savage, 74-76
Nobunaga, see Oda Nobunaga
nomadic pastoralism, 23, 33
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 494
Norway, 249
Nunes, Pedro, 93, 204
nutrition, xix-xx, 16
Nyerere, Julius, 432
Oda Nobunaga, 354-55, 357
oil, 148, 199, 295, 390, 391 », 408-10, 414,
Ôkubo Toshimichi, 375, 376, 378
Omdurman, battle of, 429
Omichund, 160, 165-67
OPEC, 408
opium, 155
optical technology, 46-47
orientalism, 164, 411, 415-18
Orientalism (Said), 164, 415-18
ormolu, 277-78
Otsuki Gentaku, 367
Ottoman empire, 39, 55, 252, 292-93, 394,
396-402, 403, 430, 450, 520
ownership, contingency of, 32, 33
oxen, 20, 41
Panama, 431
paper, 46, 52, 55, 401
Paraguay, 329-34
parasites, 7, 8-9, 17, 20-21
parchment, 401
Parente, William J., 412»
parity principle, 43
Parry, Francis, 135
Parsons, Charles A., 188
Parsons, Talcott, 175»
partnerships, 257, 262«-63»
Patel, Surendra, 439
Paul, Lewis, 207»
peanuts, 501-3
Pearl Harbor attack, 374
Pearls Recovered from the Red River (Wen-Ting),
peasants, 19, 24, 37, 50, 95, 116, 157, 165,
219, 238-42, 248, 251, 252, 269, 306,
356, 360, 361, 364, 368,370,372,374,
377, 383-84, 447, 502, 503-1
peddlers, 222-23, 366
pendulums, 211-12, 285

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