Poetry for Students, Volume 35

(Ben Green) #1

Nobody heard him, the dead man
(Not Waving but Drowning)
Not like a cypress, (Not like a
Cypress) V24:135
Not marble nor the gilded
monuments (Sonnet 55) V5:246
Not the memorized phone numbers.
(What Belongs to Us) V15:196
Now as I was young and easy under
the apple boughs (Fern Hill)
Now as I watch the progress of the
plague (The Missing) V9:158
Now I rest my head on the satyr’s
carved chest, (The Satyr’s
Heart) V22:187
Now one might catch it see it (Fading
Light) V21:49

O Captain! my Captain, our fearful
trip is done (O Captain! My
Captain!) V2:146
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is
thy name in all the earth! who
hast set thy glory above the
heavens (Psalm 8) V9:182
O my Luve’s like a red, red rose (A
Red, Red Rose) V8:152
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
(La Belle Dame sans Merci)
‘‘O where ha’ you been, Lord
Randal, my son? (Lord Randal)
O wild West Wind, thou breath of
Autumn’s being (Ode to the
West Wind) V2:163
Oh, but it is dirty! (Filling Station)
old age sticks (old age sticks) V3:246
On a shore washed by desolate
waves,hestood, (The Bronze
Horseman) V28:27
On either side the river lie (The Lady
of Shalott) V15:95
On the seashore of endless worlds
children meet. The infinite (60)
Once some people were visiting
Chekhov (Chocolates) V11:17
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I
pondered, weak and weary (The
Raven) V1:200
One day I’ll lift the telephone (Elegy
for My Father, Who Is Not
Dead) V14:154
One day I wrote her name upon the
strand, (Sonnet 75) V32:215

One foot down, then hop! It’s hot
(Harlem Hopscotch) V2:93
one shoe on the roadway presents
(A Pie ́d) V3:16
Our vision is our voice (An Anthem)
Out of the hills of Habersham, (Song
of the Chattahoochee) V14:283
Out walking in the frozen swamp one
gray day (The Wood-Pile) V6:251
Oysters we ate (Oysters) V4:91

Pentagon code (Smart and Final Iris)
Poised between going on and back,
pulled (The Base Stealer) V12:30

Quinquireme of Nineveh from
distant Ophir (Cargoes) V5:44
Quite difficult, belief. (Chorale)

Recognition in the body (In
Particular) V20:125
Red men embraced my body’s
whiteness (Birch Canoe) V5:31
Remember me when I am gone away
(Remember) V14:255
Remember the sky you were born
under, (Remember) V32:185
Riches I hold in light esteem, (Old
Stoic) V33:143

Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s
day? (Sonnet 18) V2:222
She came every morning to draw
water (A Drink of Water) V8:66
She reads, of course, what he’s doing,
shaking Nixon’s hand, (The
Women Who Loved Elvis All
Their Lives) V28:273
She sang beyond the genius of the
sea. (The Idea of Order at Key
West) V13:164
She walks in beauty, like the night
(She Walks in Beauty) V14:268
She was my grandfather’s second
wife. Coming late (My
Grandmother’s Plot in the
Family Cemetery) V27:154
Side by side, their faces blurred, (An
Arundel Tomb) V12:17
since feeling is first (since feeling is
first) V34:172
Since the professional wars—
(Midnight) V2:130

Since then, I work at night. (Ten
Years after Your Deliberate
Drowning) V21:240
S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse
(The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock) V1:97
Sky black (Duration) V18:93
Sleepless as Prospero back in his
bedroom (Darwin in 1881)
so much depends (The Red
Wheelbarrow) V1:219
So the man spread his blanket on the
field (A Tall Man Executes a
Jig) V12:228
So the sky wounded you, jagged at
the heart, (Daylights) V13:101
Softly, in the dark, a woman is
singing to me (Piano) V6:145
Some say it’s in the reptilian dance
(The Greatest Grandeur)
Some say the world will end in fire
(Fire and Ice) V7:57
Something there is that doesn’t love a
wall (Mending Wall) V5:231
Sometimes walking late at night
(Butcher Shop) V7:43
Sometimes, a lion with a prophet’s
beard (For An Assyrian Frieze)
Sometimes, in the middle of the
lesson (Music Lessons) V8:117
somewhere i have never
travelled,gladly beyond
(somewhere i have never
travelled,gladly beyond)
South of the bridge on Seventeenth
(Fifteen) V2:78
Stop all the clocks, cut off the
telephone, (Funeral Blues)
Strong Men, riding horses. In the
West (Strong Men, Riding
Horses) V4:209
Such places are too still for history,
(Deep Woods) V14:138
Sundays too my father got up early
(Those Winter Sundays) V1:300
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so
bright, (Virtue) V25:263
Swing low sweet chariot (Swing Low
Sweet Chariot) V1:283

Take heart, monsieur, four-fifths of
this province (For Jean Vincent
D’abbadie, Baron St.-Castin)

Cumulative Index of First Lines

Cumulative Index of First Lines
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