Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Sarasvatï 166

language and the Devanägarï script,
patroness of the arts and sciences, usu-
ally represented as seated on a lotus,
with a vïna (lute) in one of her hands.

Sarasvatï (2)
Celebrated in the Vedas as a mighty
river, flowing from the Himälayas to
the sea, it later disappeared in the sands.
Recent satellite photography has pro-
duced evidence of its course. It is
believed to join underground the
GA¢GÄand the YAMUNÄat the SA¢GAM
(1) in Präyäga. As the most sacred of the
Vedic rivers, it formed the eastern
boundary of the original Äryävarta, the
homeland of the Vedic people.

sarga (‘creation’)
One of the pañcälak•ana (five topics of
a PURÄŒA). Most Puräæic accounts of
creation speak of several creations.


The title of Ÿaökara’s commentary on
the Brahmasütras.

(‘having the same form [as the Lord]’)
One of the qualities of a released
VAIÆŒAVA, who receives an incorrupt-
ible body like that of Vi•æu.

A name of ŸIVA, derived from ÿaru
(arrow). Ÿarva symbolizes the power of
Ÿiva to kill, and is often invoked togeth-
er with YAMA, the custodian of the
underworld. Ÿarva is the embodiment of

(‘Synopsis of all philosophical systems’)
A famous work by the Advaitin
MÄDHAVA, in which he reviews and cri-
tiques 15 different systems (besides
CÄRVÄKA and several schools of
Buddhism and Jainism, he deals with all
major Hindu systems).


ÿästra (‘teaching’, ‘rule’)
An authoritative source for Hindu
DHARMA, used either as a collective term
or as designation of a single work, espe-
cially one dealing with law.

sat, also satya (‘being’, ‘truth’)
As in SACCIDÄNANDA, the designation of
the supreme being as ‘being/truth, con-
sciousness, bliss; or in sat-guru, the ‘true
master’, i.e. the supreme.


Encyclo - Letter S 10/2/03 9:59 am Page 166

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