Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
229 Thematic Bibliography

Pusalker, A.D. Studies in Epics and Puranas of India.Bombay, Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, 1955
Rocher, L. The Puranas. In J. Gonda, A History of Indian Literature,
Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, Vol. 2, fasc. 3
Santucci, J.A. An Outline of Vedic Literature, American Academy of Religion
Aids to the Study of Religion Series. Missoula, Scholars Press, 1977
Sukthankar, V.S. On the Meaning of the Mahabharata. Bombay, Asiatic
Society, 1957
Thomas, P. Epics, Myths and Legends of India. Bombay, Taraporevala, 1961
Tilak, B.G. The Arctic Home in the Vedas. Poona, Tilak Bros., 1956 (repr.)
Tilak, B.G. Vedic Chronology.Poona, Tilak Bros, 1909
Tilak, B.G. Orion or Researches into the Antiquity of the Veda.Bombay,
Sagoon, 1893; repr. Poona, Tilak Bros., 1955


Aiyer, V.G. Ramakrishna The Economy of a South Indian Temple.Annamalai,
Annamalai University, 1946
Ayyar, C.V. Narayana Origin and Early History of Saivism in South India.
Madras, University of Madras, 1936
Ayyar, P.V. Jagadissa South Indian Festivities.Madras, Higginbothams, 1921
Banerjea, J.N. The Development of Hindu Iconography. Calcutta, University of
Calcutta, 1956 (2nd edn)
Barz, R. The Bhakti Sect of Vallabhacarya. Faridabad, Thompson Press, 1976
Beane, W.C. Myth, Cult and Symbols in Sakta Hinduism: A Study of the Indian
Mother Goddess. Leiden, Brill, 1977
Bhandarkar, R.G. Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems. Benares,
Indological Book House, 1965 (repr.)
Bharati, A. (L. Fischer) The Tantric Tradition. London, Rider & Co., 1965
Bloomfield, M. The Religion of the Veda.New York, G.B. Putnam’s, 1908
Bloomfield, M. Gorakhanatha and Kanphata Yogis. Calcutta, Association Press,
Brown, C.M. God as Mother: A Feminine Theology in India, An Historical and
Theological Study of the Brahmavaivarta Purana. Hartford, Claude Stark,
Carman, J.B. The Theology of Ramanuja. An Essay in Inter-religious
Understanding.New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1974
Carman, J.B. and Marglin, A. (eds.) Purity and Auspiciousness in Indian
Society.Leiden, Brill, 1985
Chattopadyaya, S. The Evolution of Theistic Sects in Ancient India.Calcutta,
Progressive Publishers, 1963
Chaudhuri, R. Doctrine of Srikantha, 2 vols. Calcutta, Pracyavani, 1959–60
Courtright, P.B. Ganesa: Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings.New York,
Oxford University Press, 1985
Crooke, W. Popular Religion and Folklore in Northern India, 2 vols. 1896;
repr. Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1968
De, S.K. Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Bengal.Calcutta,
Firma K.L. Mukhopadhyay, 1961 (2nd edn)

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