Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Brahma Puräæa 42

Vi•æu and received prophecies about
the end of the world, which was to be
followed by an earthly paradise.

Brahma Puräæa
The first in the list of the 18 Mahä-purä-
nas, also called Ädi-puräna, describing
the origin of the universe. It has major
parts devoted to a description of the
holy places of Orissa.

Brahmä saƒpradäya
One of the four sections of VAIÆŒAVISM,
also called Madhva saƒpradäya, follow-
ing the teachings of DVAITAVEDÄNTA.
Its centre is in U¥IPÏ(Karæätaka).

One who leads the brahman life, i.e.
lives in strict celibacy.

(‘way of life of brahman’)
The first stage in the life of a brahmin,
‘studenthood’, where strict sexual conti-
nence and service to one’s GURUis oblig-
atory. Some opt for lifelong brahma-
caryaand become SAMNYÄSISwithout
going through the gøhastya (householder)

Also Sarvaloka (‘all places’) and
Satyaloka (‘sphere of truth’), the abode
of BRAHMÄ, the highest point in the tra-
ditional Hindu universe, from which
there is no return.

The supreme being, universal conscious-
ness, the highest reality. Derived from
the Sanskrit root bøh (to grow, to
become large), it denotes greatness per
se. It is a key concept in the Upani•ads
and in the Vedänta systems. Brahmanis
SACCIDÄNANDA, i.e. it is characterized by

consciousness, infinity, omnipotence,
eternity, immanence in all things, bliss-
fulness and unfathomableness. It is
unborn and uncreated, and the source
and ultimate destiny of everything.

Brähmaæa (1)
The second part of the VEDA, a class of
voluminous writings that was intended
to guide the BRÄHMAŒAS(2) in their rit-
uals. They also contain short versions of
myths which are found expanded in the
Puräæas. The oldest Sanskrit prose
texts, they are divided into four groups,
according to the division of the Veda.
Øgveda: Aitareya and Kauÿïtakï Bräh-
maæas; Black Yajurveda: Kathaand
Taittirïya Brähmaæas; White Yajur-
veda: Ÿatapatha Brähmaæa; Sämaveda:
Pañcaviƒÿa, Æadviƒÿaand Jaiminïya
Brähmaæas; Atharvaveda: Gopatha

Brähmaæa(s) (2), also brahmin(s)
The first and highest VARŒA, created
to recite the Veda, to perform rituals
and to teach the rest of the people by
word and deed the true nature of
DHARMA. Due to their descent, their
education and their influence they
enjoyed high status throughout Indian


Brahmända Puräæa
Puräæa containing a detailed account of
the development of the brahmäæõa
(WORLD EGG) as well as prophecies
about the future.

The female form or the daughter of
BRAHMÄ, also known as ŸATARÜPÄ
(hundred forms).

Encyclo - Letter B 10/2/03 9:37 am Page 42

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