Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers

(Chris Devlin) #1

This result is interpreted as follows. The probability that a random variable differs from its
mean by at least c standard deviations is less than or equal to 1c^2. Note that the rule is useful
only for c> 1.
For example, using c= 2 implies that the probability that anyrandom variable differs
from its mean by at least two standard deviations is no greater than 14. We know that for a
normal random variable, this probability is less than 0.05. Also, using c3 implies that the
probability that any random variable differs from its mean by at least three standard deviations
is no greater than 19. Chebyshev’s inequalityprovides a relationship between the standard
deviation and the dispersion of the probability distribution of any random variable. The proof
is left as an exercise.
Table S5-1 compares probabilities computed by Chebyshev’s rule to probabilities com-
puted for a normal random variable.

EXAMPLE S5-8 The process of drilling holes in printed circuit boards produces diameters with a standard
deviation of 0.01 millimeter. How many diameters must be measured so that the probability is
at least 89 that the average of the measured diameters is within 0.005 of the process mean
diameter ?
Let X 1 , X 2 ,... , Xnbe the random variables that denote the diameters of nholes. The aver-
age measured diameter is Assume that the X’s are independent
random variables. From Equation 5-40, Consequently, the
standard deviation of is (0.01^2 n)^1 ^2. By applying Chebyshev’s inequality to ,

Let c= 3. Then,


P 10 X 0 31 0.01^2 n 21
22  8

P 10 X 0  31 0.01^2 n 21
22  1

P 10 X 0 c 1 0.01^2 n 21
22  1


E 1 X 2  and V 1 X 2 0.01^2 n.

X 1 X 1 X 2 p Xn 2

For any random variable Xwith mean and variance ^2 ,

for c> 0.

P 10 X 0  c 2  1


Table S5-1 Percentage of Distribution Greater than cStandard
Deviations from the Mean
Chebyshev’s Rule Normal
c for any Probability Distribution Distribution
1.5 less than 44.4% 13.4%
2 less than 25.0% 4.6%
3 less than 11.1% 0.27%
4 less than 6.3% 0.01%

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