
(Sean Pound) #1

you will not receive your commissions. Go get your nickname now and then generate
your own link and see how it works.

There is also a page where Clickbank will automtically generate your links. Simply put
in your nickname and your link to my sales page will be automatically generated:

You can use your nickname for any of over 10,000 digital products at Clickbank, most
of which pay commissions of between 25 - 50% (some higher, some lower). Check out
all the products at http://hop.clickbank.net/hop.cgi?yourpower/marketplace

STEP 3:Promote Your Special Link
Now all you have to do is let people know about my e-book by having them click on
the link you created in step two. If you have a website or mailing list of any size this is
a no-brainer way of making extra money. Even if you only know two people who might
be interested in this product you can earn back the money you invested in this book.

If you haven’t got any clue as to how to promote your link, rest assured there are sim-
ple and easy ways to do this. Begin by reading the free bonus you received when you
bought this book “101 Tips”, or check out the excellent

STEP 4:Cash Your Checks!
Clickbank pays on time, every time, every two weeks. You can learn everything you
need to know at http://zzz.clickbank.net/r/?yourpower

While you’re waiting for your first payday, you can check your stats at the Clickbank
stats page here: http://clickbank.com/login.html

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