
(Sean Pound) #1

this machine has a large antenna and two metal plates on which to place your hands.

Place your hands on the machine and focus your mind on what you want. As you do
this, the machine is taking the images from your mind and sending them out into the
universe with Power to create that which you desire. Visualize money and everything
you can do with that money. Imagine lots and lots of money, piled high and overflow-
ing. Allow yourself to get excited about having lots and lots of money. Enjoy the feeling
of gratitude and satisfaction that you will experience having this money. Pour all of this
through your hands and into the machine. Keep filling that machine with more and
more images of money and what that money will do for you. Continue to breathe in
Power, and send more images of money into this machine and the fun you will have
with it.

When you feel that you given the machine as much as you can, take your hands off of
the plates and take a step back. Relax and let yourself recharge after your efforts. You
have created a future for yourself that will be filled with money and everything else you
have imagined. You have done well. Sit down for a while and let yourself continue to
breathe in the Power of this place. As you continue to breathe in Power, your new abili-
ties will get stronger and more permanent.

Your connection to everything in the universe is getting stronger, and you are able to
know more and more about the business deals that you will be working on. You will
know what projects will be profitable and which ones to avoid. New ideas are coming
to you now for business projects that you will enjoy working on and will also enrich the
world greatly. You will know how to market and sell what you offer to the world. And
with the new degree of focus and determination that is growing within you, your suc-
cess is guaranteed.

It is now time to return to the outer world. Find the doorway that led you to this special
place. Go through this door and back to the staircase of 21 steps. As you place your
foot on the first step, you allow yourself to mentally run through all that you have done
down here. You have made a lot of progress in this short period of time. It has been a
wonderful experience. But you are ready to return to the outer world and make use of
the knowledge, wisdom, and Power that you have gained. So, let’s start going up the

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